You gently open the door... huh?! [school edition]
[Note: This chapter is a further variant of the similarly named one {x-link: hrinking--Farts/map/144211552}here{/x--ink} but with some changes and other choices]

It wasn't unusual at all to help Lulu with things like what she asked just now, so you didn't really pay this any further mind. She was one of the few teachers you could say you were close to, and despite her flirty shenanigans she was one of the few people besides your friends that you could count on for serious situations, as many encounters with Toxic Lily and Emily in the past would attest... plus, she's often shielded you from Arianna's wrath.

But for someone as intelligent as her, she always seemed to be a little scatter-brained regarding her class materials. Then again, you remember reading that even people like Isaac Newton were like that, so maybe it was a thing that came with the package, you couldn't tell for sure.

Also, for reasons beyond your understanding, it seemed that the school was perfectly fine with throwing her into classes that aren't even her main subject to replace a suddenly missing teacher, or to test courses, so you've seen her teaching Science, History or Humanities on occasion, or being put in charge of detention. According to what you heard a few times from Arianna, while passing by, it was a way to make her work for her money because Art had the least hours out of all taught subjects.

You would've thought that a class that was known to be fairly easy and taught by an awesome teacher that was also pretty freaking hot would make it way popular... but then again, there weren't all that many guys at school, and girls tended to prefer other classes. Lulu's groups tended to be the ones that she ended up teaching since 7th grade and became fond of her class, so they stuck around with her over the years. You and your friends among such people, though you could feel that while Lillian absolutely loved her class, Jen seemed to be tense about it sometimes.

Before you realized, you were standing before Lulu's office, and as she had said, the door was unlocked. You turned the light on and simply walked in, as you had done countless times in the past, but much to your own surprise, there was nothing like Lulu described, only regular office supplies, papers and folders. You scratched your head and looked around, thinking that maybe she did gather the stuff but misplaced it, but after a couple of minutes of fruitless searching, you gave up and decided to call her.

"Hello hun. Did you get my supplies yet?" She asked.

"Uh... I'm sorry Ms.-"

"C'mon sweetie, you know you can call me Lulu" She giggled, making you blush hard "You were saying?"

"I can't find any of those things in your office" You replied, and snapped some pics to send her to prove it, though she would've taken your word for it anyway.

"Huh... oh, damnit" She huffed
"Then I must've left them in the last classroom I was in yesterday... which was Room #2712. You know where that is, don't you?"

"Yeah, it's not so far from the office... it's one of the senior classrooms, isn't it?" You replied.

"Yep, that's it"

"But, won't there be a problem if I go in while there's an ongoing class?"

"That won't be a problem, that classroom's not in use right now, in fact it's not used much, you'll be fine. I can guarantee it, or my name isn't Lourdes McAllen" She chuckled.

"A-Alright, I'll go there then, thanks... Lulu..." You said, blushing again, still a little embarrassed at calling her by a pet name. With that, you hung up and decided to go to that room to get her stuff.

Ever since the "incident" with Veronica, you always felt awkward when walking by or through the senior students' section. You knew you were probably paranoid, but you couldn't help but feel deeply uncomfortable, as if you drew many looks while passing by, though it made no sense, you doubted Veronica would've made it public, and neither did you. To your knowledge, absolutely no one else knew that it ever happened, so there was no way that there should be any kind of gossip about you, but still.

Perhaps it was your own conscience chastising you, you didn't even turn her down outright, but as she began avoiding you, you were never able to give her an answer. That feeling of lack of closure was pretty unsatisfying, and at times you couldn't help but beat yourself up over it, feeling that you could've done something better, or that something you did or said was inappropriate. It felt like you had hurt her feelings even though you never meant to.

Besides that, you were never all that comfortable in the presence of seniors, as this was basically Emily's turf, whose encounters with you have been far from pleasant, though luckily your friends have always come to save you before things got ugly. This was also the fearsome Yakuza Princess' domain, though you believed that you were too irrelevant to be a target of hers, or so you hoped.

This early in the morning, the halls were pretty quiet and you guessed everyone had left for their classrooms already, which was a bit of a relief. You hadn't thought about it until now, but if you were to encounter Emily right now you would be in a very precarious situation. You shook your head and decided to focus on the task at hand. Soon, you found the room, which, as Lulu had said, didn't appear to be in use, as the lights were turned off. You then slowly opened the door and walked in...

You had no idea why, but you sensed danger, there was a bad feeling that only grew in intensity within you, ringing every alarm in your conscious that you needed to get out of there. You thought at first that you were just being silly because it was a dark, empty room and were just having childish fears, but you thought back to something your mom and both of your grandmas taught you.

'Even when we're not aware of it yet, our subconscious picks up on cues to alert us of stuff around us' Their words echoed in your mind, giving you slight chills. They were right. There had to be an actual reason for feeling like this, you weren't crazy after all! But what? You walked farther into the classroom, sensing that you shouldn't flip the lights' switch. Good thing that you had pretty good low-light vision, so you didn't really need much to look for Lulu's stuff, and found it with little effort, all of it had been placed on the teacher's desk. You quietly sighed in relief and walked with some more confidence towards it, all you had to do was grab it and get the hell out of this ominous room. However, almost as if you were in some Indiana Jones kind of movie, the moment you picked up Lulu's supply bag, the classroom's door violently slammed shut, giving you a mini heart attack right there and then.

'Was it the wind?!' You first thought, but then slapped yourself as you remembered you were indoors and that there was no way wind could've so easily slammed the door, the weather was calm. What was it though?


1) "Well, look at what the cat dragged in!" A familiar, feminine voice said, sending cold chills down your spine as you tensed up all over and froze in place. [Note: This entire conversation is actually spoken in Spanish, which in-story is uncommon enough at school to be used when wanting to avoid being understood by the majority]

"Me lleva...!" You said under your breath. [This phrase has no proper translation, but it can be understood as a mild form of "Dammit/Darn it/Goddammit!", the full phrase being "Me lleva la chingada" which would be understood as "Well I'll be fucked" but is seldom said outright, usually euphemisms are used instead to make it milder, the most common form being "Me lleva el tren!", roughly understood as "Well I'll be screwed!" This is what Blaise usually says when caught by an unpleasant surprise btw, most of the times you see him say "Goddammit" in a situation like this, he usually would slip back into Spanish because of the sheer emotion and lack of focus to render it in English]

You heard smug giggling coming from behind you, it made both your blood boil and freeze at the same time. This was the last thing you needed, and as much as you'd hate to admit it, this was someone you feared in a way that was different from Emily or Toxic Lily.

"Hmm? Not happy to see me?" The girl's voice said as a pair of small, deceptively delicate-looking hands covered your eyes from behind, as if there was any need, both from it being rather dark and because you already knew who the culprit was, so to speak.

"I have no time for this right now" You said, swiftly pulling her hands down and turning around, and there she was. Despite being way shorter than you were, her presence felt more threatening than even the Yakuza Princess'.

"I don't think you have a choice on this matter" Valentina said, cockily crossing her arms with a fully defiant attitude and the look to go with it.

2) "Hey there!" Emily's voice cheerfully, yet chillingly ominously echoed around the classroom's empty walls. You gulped.

'Damn! This is real bad!' She really sounded as dangerous as her presence felt. Sometimes you thought Lillian and Jen were exaggerating when guarding you from her, as she always looked innocent and polite, but there was always a little something about her that you didn't quite like, something off, and by the look of things, you were just about to find out the hard way...

3) Rather than a voice, you heard the sound of knuckles cracking, which most of the times could only mean one of two people: Jen... or Toxic Lily, and it definitely wasn't the former.

"Well shit..." You said very quietly.

4) "You!" With a single word, you felt your blood freeze so hard that it felt like it had nearly turned into some kind of thick slush. You thought Emily, Valentina or Toxic Lily were bad, but you were absolutely unprepared to encounter the single most terrifying person in school barring Principal Abalos herself. You had no idea what you'd gotten yourself into, as you'd never done anything to her as far as you knew.
May 12, 2023