A very big change to the game
· original author:
Entering the room, you feel sick and as you try to shake it off, the sick feeling increases until your world swirls around before passing out. You don't know how long you were out, but eventually you come to, your face in pain from your fall. Coming to your senses and to your legs, you're eventually shocked by the fact everything is bigger- no, rather than that, you shrank. Confused by your situation, you resolve to climb up to the tables to see how small you truly shrank to and start climbing a chair. For a long while, you eventually, reach the seat of chair, taking a break on it and you start to understand how truly tiny you are when the door opens. Large thuds are heard as you're bouncing from the shockwaves and eventually, you see a brunette come into view. You've never seen this girl before and you're certain she's not a student here, as her appearance from your spot was shoulder length hair and owl rimmed glasses over her green eyes. However, your eyes bulge out as you see her lower body as it comes in view and comparing her C cup breasts, her ass was the largest you've ever saw on anybody, even beating Dolores's as her hips were straining the jeans that were hugging tightly to her fat ass and thick thighs. Rubbing her chubby stomach through her pink shirt, the girl shushes a gurgling in her tummy before her phone rings. Pulling it out, the giant takes a seat, which happened to be yours and you try to outrun it, though a tear in the seat trips you. Getting yourself untangled, you feel darkness come over you and you look up to see the massive ass before come down onto you.

Meanwhile, Amy Fallon was answering her phone on speaker as she sat down, wincing at the chair squeaking at her weight.
"Hey Mom! What's up? I just finished talking to the principal (scary woman), dealing with all of the transfer things and after the tour, they let me explore the place."
"Glad to hear that. Just wanted to make sure you were fine. So, what do you think?" Her mom, Claire, asks and Amy pauses before answering, her stomach rumbling as she thinks about it.
"Well, it's like any other school, though if I had to say anything, almost all of the girls, no, anyone female have huge butts. After going into the bathrooms, it reeks compared to the guys', so I'm guessing the there's something wrong with the building's plumbing or the girls'. Might explain why this chair hasn't broke... yet," Amy replies, looking at the seat as she wiggles her dumptruck on it, the quiet screams coming from the overburden object.
"I see, try not gas this one out! Its amazing how little trouble you're causing than I expected," Claire warns her, Amy ready to object, only to feel something shift inside of belly and quickly move through her intestines as it immediately heads to her anus.
Back to you, you manage to survive as you got into her crack; however, it's a terrible place as not only is it really warm and cramped, it smells horrible and compared all of the farts you smelt before, this was the worse. Getting an idea of her characteristics based off where you are, look around on where to escape as you listen above; her conversation and most importantly, her insides broiling up a new batch of gas. Crawling around, you eventually see a light and head towards it when the worse sound is heard: her tummy rumbling down a fart. Increasing your speed, it was in vain as the strongest burst of flatulence rocks your world, the heat searing you as the noise rattles your brain and the smell of pure digest beef invades your whole respiratory system.
Holding her gut, Amy pushes out a 'small' fart from her sphincter, her fart rattling the windows as it knocks over almost everything on the desks. Lasting for a full minute, Amy sighs at the gassy release and wafts the smell away.
"Better leave then. Don't want to be caught by anyone there, especially the staff," Claire said, clearly annoyed and hoping to get a rise out of her daughter, which it does.
"Mom! Yours is also bad too!" "But mine doesn't cause property damage. Talk to you later, Sweetie," Claire replies back to her daughter after Amy complains to her before hanging up.
With a grumble, Amy puts her phone away and gets up from the chair. As for you, you were reeling from that chemical nuke and through teary eyes...


1) You're no longer trapped under her and Amy walks away.
2) You're stuck between her huge cheeks and carried away with her, the smell also trapped with you.

Amy finds you and...

3) Either angered or feeling malicious to you and decides to feed you to her bum, her anus slurping you up into her intestines.
4) Embarrassed and apologies to you before hearing you out.

[Note: This is my OC, so she's coming in as a special crossover guest]
May 12, 2023