Parents meet Perky Persuasive Dragon lady
"Blaise, we're home!" You heard your mom's voice, which made you feel like your hair was standing on end, even worse that this meant she also brought your dad, which on any other time would've been great, but now things were gonna get real crazy with this weird dragon girl.

"She sounds like a nice and fun person" Chiyoko said, still trying to beat the game level she was currently at.

"A-Are you sure you've got this? I hate to annoy others, but I'm afraid you can really get me in trouble" You said, feeling even more unnerved at how calmly she took the news.

"Relax, Master, I've got this" She said, pausing her game and standing up to give you a quick kiss.

"You better stop with that" You said with a tired deadpan look.

"I know how to behave" She giggled and with a snap of her fingers, she changed her clothes to that of a rather stereotypical Japanese school uniform, though rather tight on her generous curves, and the skirt definitely being too short to fully contain her massive behind. You also noticed that her tail disappeared, but her horns stayed.

"I think you got the wrong country... also, you made your tail disappear but not your horns?" You said while giving her a skeptical look.

"It's part of the plan... as for my horns, I really like 'em, but I got that covered too. Just relax and trust me" She replied but you shook your head.

"I don't think I can relax even if I tried" You sighed.

"Alright, I can fix that too" She then aimed a finger at your head, and suddenly you felt calm, like some kind of wave rushed over you and took your stress away.

"What did you do this time?"

"Just got rid of the stress chemicals in your brain and blood, and prevented your body from making more, but don't worry, it's a little spell that will wear off in like 3 hours" She said with a confident chuckle.
"Let's go" She then said, but saw you silently praying and pouted.
"You don't need gods' help when you've got me, Master. I'm stronger than most of them anyway" She boasted.

A few moments later, you met with your parents in the living room, on the inside, you felt very awkward, but due to Chiyoko's magic, you retained your cool.

"H-Hey" You said, still struggling to make sense of the fumbling mess your thoughts had become.

"My name is Chiyoko Kamiyama, an exchange student. Please to meet you Mr. and Mrs. Santos" Chiyoko smoothly introduced herself and did a little reverential bow, which at least managed to impress your dad a little, though your mom remained completely neutral.

"Hello. I have a few questions though" Miriam said, which made you feel like you should be shuddering.
"Your name and your uniform are clearly Japanese, but, no offense, you don't exactly look like you're from there"

'Crap, the gig's up' You thought.

"My family's actually European, but they moved to Japan long before I was born" Chiyoko calmly explained.

"I think that explains the height and red hair" Your dad chuckled, but you looked at your mom, wondering if she bought that.

"I guess that makes sense" She said, and you quietly sighed in relief.
"What's with the horns though?" She then asked as you felt your tranquility go out the window.

"This? It's just a silly headband I like to wear. The dragon is my family's symbol. They even called us "the West Dragons", something about my ancestors being Holy Knights for the church" Chiyoko said.

'How the flying heck does she make up this stuff so smoothly?' You worriedly thought.

'I got all the info I needed from your memories, Master. Told you to trust me' You heard her voice in your head, most bafflingly.

Chiyoko then pulled out from her pocket what looked like a round metallic badge, it was red with a gold outline, and there was a black draconic silhouette in the middle with some golden kanji symbols on top. She showed it to your parents, then she handed it to your dad, who seemed to be even more impressed.

'Of course, she read his mind... she must know he likes dragons and mythological stuff' You thought.

'Shhhh! Also, I just proved to you dragons ARE real' She mischievously giggled in your mind.

"Okay... Now, if you don't mind me asking, I know you're an exchange student and all, but what are you doing here, on a Saturday?" Miriam asked while your dad kept admiring the badge/family emblem.

"It's kind of a funny story" Chiyoko laughed
"I was going to be hosted at a hotel for a few days until they sorted out who would take me in, but there was a fire in the hotel and they had to evacuate us all..." She said
"And Principal... Principal Abalos, I believe... asked Blaise here to let me stay with him as a personal favor"

You seriously questioned that your mom would buy that story, but apparently, the mention of Arianna did the trick, and her look softened.

"Oh, of course. Anything for Arianna, I suppose it won't be much of a problem" She said, albeit with a hint of skepticism, which you yourself knew pretty well, it was the same skepticism she showed with Jen when she first accompanied you home.

"Thank you so much Mrs. Santos!" Chiyoko bowed to her again, and it looked like she had the 'sweet foreigner highschool girl' act down to a T, which you found a little questionable... On the other hand, her mental capacity had to be mind-boggling considering she gathered an immense amount of knowledge about your world from your own brain.
"As thanks for your hospitality, I'll prepare dinner for the whole family" She said, and both of your parents perked up upon hearing that.
"Don't worry, I already brought all the ingredients, I'd never raid my honorable hosts' pantry" She chuckled, easing the mood a little more, though you knew your mom wasn't entirely convinced, though invoking Arianna proved to be a masterful move on Chiyoko's part.
"But, I still need a little bit of help..." She said as she grabbed you by the wrist and pulled you into a hug. Your dad enjoyed a faint chuckle, but you saw your mom narrow her eyes a little.

'Cut it out!' You thought, guessing she was probably listening in on your thoughts.

'Trust me. Besides, I need to ease her into it. Your dad doesn't seem to mind as much' She telepathically replied and quickly let go of the hug.

With that, she went to the kitchen, taking you with her while your parents waited in the living room and turned the tv on to watch something in the meantime.

"Well, what do you think?" Raphael asked.

"I'm not entirely sure yet. But I won't let Arianna down, if she asked it as a personal favor, it must've been really important" Miriam said.
"Though... for a stranger, she seems a little on the touchy-feely side with Blaise..."

"Blame me. Those are my genes kicking in" Raphael enjoyed a hearty chuckle while Miriam gave him a pouty frown.

"Raphael! This is serious" She growled.

"I was serious too. You have a fine son, and the ladies are noticing, what's the problem?" He said, still giving her a cheeky smile.
"Oh, I know... it's not the one you want" He teased her "Lillian's pretty touchy-feely too, but if it's her it's alright, isn't it?"

"It's different. I literally know her since she was born" Miriam sighed.

"You're not too happy with that girl Jen either" He shrugged.

"I think Lillian would make for a better wife" She said with another sigh.

"Well, Blaise's growing up fast, it's going to be his call to make, not ours" Raphael said in a more serene tone, with nearly uncharacteristic wisdom, given his usually laid-back and relaxed attitude.

"He's inexperienced. I know better the kind of woman he needs. The saying "Mother knows best" exists for a reason, you know?" She crossed her arms, dissatisfied with her husband's lack of support on her stance.

"But sometimes we need to disobey our moms to make our own path" Raphael whispered as she grabbed her hand and slid his fingers between hers and tightening his grip on it. This act alone made the mature woman blush a little and barely suppressed a giggle.
"Do I need to remind you that my mom favored Sheila over you? If it had been up to her, now I'd be her husband instead" He added, and saw her eyes widen. She had actually forgotten, but when he mentioned it, the memories came back. A couple of minutes later, calculating that her little flashback was over, he caressed her hair.
"I know you're an excellent mom and only want the best for him, we've raised him well so far. Shouldn't we trust him when he finally opens his wings and decides to take his first flight? If we don't, that means we didn't prepare him well, doesn't it?" His words struck deep, but his whispering made her feel goosebumps forming on her arms and neck. He still knew how to charm her, just like in high school.

"F-Fine. But I'll still be keeping an eye on her until we know what kind of person she really is" Miriam stuttered a little, then she turned to look Raphael in the eye.
"And you're gonna owe me. I expect you to pay me back... in bed" She giggled and he nodded with a smile in response.

"Of course, I wouldn't have it any other way" He said.

Meanwhile, you had no idea what Chiyoko planned on doing on such a short notice, cooking a dinner wasn't all that simple unless you microwaved everything, but you doubted she even knew what a microwave was.

"Uhh... so, what are we gonna do now?"

"Dinner. I've got this" She said with a confident smile, either this girl was just that amazing or had such an enormous self-confidence and ego that even Lillian would seem modest in comparison.
May 12, 2023