Oh My God(dess)! Pt. II
[Note: I forgot to mention it, but Skadi is in her underwear, in her case, it's fur coat-like]

"Hmm... well, I guess I could... but, you know... I haven't had visits from any mortals in centuries... why don't you stay for a bit?" Skadi replied.
"I know what you're thinking. Time is not a concern... There are ways for me to return you to your world at the same exact moment you left, and you won't age a day in here either. Some Greek Titaness happens to be able to control time and set these things up. Pretty nifty if you ask me" She said, and somehow, you felt Sheila, Lulu or even Lynn vibes from how she wanted you to stay.
"You won't be a servant either, don't worry!" She chuckled.

"Uh, alright, I guess I can stay for a bit" You timidly said, but weren't sure what could get an ancient goddess out of your company.

"Great! So... now that we can stay and chat for a bit, I was wondering, how did you learn about us the frost giants in your world?"

"Norse gods and culture have always been pretty popular. They even made movies about some of their gods"

"Yeah, I know, they're pretty good, but they just mention the big names, and forget about me and some others" Skadi sighed

"Is there anywhere else where you could've learned about us?"

"Well, I learned quite a few things from Jen and her mom Lynn... And there's this really cool strategy game about civilizations and their gods that I liked since I was a child. There was plenty of info about their stories too, and you were featured in it!" You were surprised at how casually you were chatting with this gigantic goddess.

"Ooh! I know that one! They almost got my appearance right, but I'm not as skinny as they depicted" Skadi chuckled and playfully bounced her chest again.
"I believe you can agree with that" She said with a smug, teasing smile. You blushed and after getting up, you slowly nodded.

"We could even play that together" She said, as a high quality gaming laptop suddenly appeared next to you. You raised an eyebrow.
"What? Can't a goddess play videogames?" She asked while giggling, knowing how silly that sounded.
"Is there anything wrong with that? Huh?" She gently poked you with her finger and laughed some more.
"Well, believe it or not, there's not a whole lot to do as a Nordic Goddess these days, so, besides skiing or taking a hike outside, watching tv or using a computer, there's not much else to do around here" She explained, and it looked like she was going to say something else, but stopped as she stared at you rather intently.

"Is there something wrong?" You asked, beginning to feel nervous again. Without giving an answer, she picked you up and brought you really close to one of her eyes, which was way larger than an IMAX screen to you.

"Wait a minute... You don't look like one of my subjects..."

"Huh?!" You were even more worried by how that sounded

"You're not Norse, right? Not a single drop of Viking blood in you..." She asked in a more neutral tone, and you gulped.

Without warning, she lowered you a little and brought you to her mouth, which opened and you began screaming and squirming.
'What the friggin hell?! When she said she didn't' eat people, did she mean she only ate non-Vikings?!' You thought while trying to break free from her grasp, but were unable to.

Her breath was cool, and fortunately it didn't smell much, if anything, the scent was like that of a winter forest. She brought you to her massive bright blue tongue, which she used to lick you, though it was the scariest experience of your life so far, it was as large as a skyscraper like her fingers, but it moved much faster. After a couple of licks, she stopped and gently blew on you to dry her saliva off you, but as her breath was much cooler, you got almost encased in ice whole. With a cute giggle, she snapped her fingers and the ice melted off you, the remaining water quickly evaporated, leaving you dry.

"I knew by your looks, but wanted to be sure... Yup, you're one of her children. There's some Spanish in you, and from it, a tiny tiny hint of Celtic, but it's so small the Celtic Goddesses' claim over you would fall through."

"I don't think I understand" You said, shuddering after what just happened.

"I wouldn't mind having you make me company, but you're not one of my subjects, so you could say you're not quite under my jurisdiction, and I could get in trouble if I were to keep you" She explained
"But, you know... if you do marry Jen, you'd become a subject of mine by marriage" She teased and winked, making you blush all the way to tomato red. You gulped and awkwardly laughed in response.

"So, what does that mean in the end? I mean the other stuff"

"That you belong to another goddess" Skadi explained "But luckily, she's a friend of mine, so I'll just call her" She said and did some quick gestures with her hands, conjuring a much larger portal after dispelling the first. This one was large enough for someone like her to walk into. And soon, someone does indeed walk out of it, but who?

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[Note: Huitzilopochtli, like some other gods, is originally male, but made female here. Also, taking heavy artistic licenses with their appearances]

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Coatlicue, the Aztec Mother Earth, a woman with dark skin and quite a matronly build (think Miriam/Sheila), she wore a skirt made of living snakes, and a shirt that seemed to be also made out of snake skin, a little tight on her large chest, while her snake skirt is strained against her enormous backside. She wore boots that were made also of snake skin and adorned with large claws, making it look as if she had dinosaur feet, and to go with these, she also wore snake skin gloves with claws, as well as a large snake face hood, giving her a fierce look, of a kaiju-like monster, but she's human-looking under these clothes.

Like Sheila, she has a more noticeable belly, and is quite hungry, as she personifies nature, which consumes and regenerates continuously, but still, her most predominant trait is her motherly nature. She's had bad luck with her children, as most of them mistreat her, and only her youngest defends her, but is also pretty busy herself, so she could definitely crave a child to shower with affection.

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Huitzilopochtli (if you want to think of a shorter nickname for her, or any of the others, you're welcome to try). Coatlicue's youngest daughter, the Aztec goddess of war, the sun and lightning. She often fights her sisters, Coyolxauhqui (moon goddess) and the 400 Centzonhuitznahua (Star goddesses, basically) because they mistreat their mother, and is often busy keeping them at bay.

She'd have a build similar to Ariadne's, befitting of a warrior, though she still inherited Coatlicue's curves. Her skin is turquoise, but wore Aztec black war-paint over her the upper portion of her face, from the top of the forehead to the nose, and orange from the upper lip to the chin. She wore a royal headpiece adorned by long hummingbird feathers, and was either very lightly dressed in a crop top and loincloth, or in full Aztec armor, if she felt like fighting. Her signature weapon is a turquoise snake-shaped macuahuitl (Aztec sword-like weapon with obsidian blades) called Xiuhcóatl, the turquoise snake, with which she can shoot lightning, as well as fire, and control them.

She has a very protective and motherly, or big sisterly kind of personality to her people, as she was the original Aztec Goddess, and used to resent Quetzalcóatl for becoming nearly as important to them, but they eventually became friends. Being a fierce protector goddess that literally chased the darkness away every day to protect her children, she's known to be quite violent, and she's one of the main consumers of human sacrifices, having a predilection for human hearts, but due to her friendship with Quetzalcóatl, as well as the decline of the Aztec culture, she's mellowed out, and hasn't eaten people or their hearts in centuries, but she still likes to appear tough and threatening, so it might take a special effort on getting through that fierce outer shell to get at the softer, caring goddess beneath. Still, having a living person nearby with a beating heart might tempt her, who knows...

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Tláloc, a bluish green skinned woman with fangs (more along the lines of those of a dinosaur than of an orc's tusks), with a medium to thick build and dark blue hair. As the goddess of rain and water, she's mostly fond of spending her time in the luxurious pools and lakes in her personal paradise, and dislikes being outside of the water. For reasons beyond everyone's understanding, she seems to perpetually wear some funny-looking blue goggles.

She was another consumer of human sacrifices, but Quetzalcóatl has convinced her of dropping that habit. A very relaxed deity that's happy as long as she can stay in the water and doesn't care all that much about everything else, though she might get mad at those who waste or pollute water.
May 12, 2023
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