Back to Math class...

The 4 girls made it fairly early, enough for the teacher not to have arrived and as most other people were doing, they all sat next to each other, as the Math classroom had a table per 4 students.

Before the girls sat down they made sure to take out the Lillie guy they were carrying, as both Lillian and Zuemy had theirs riding in their back pocket while Jen had you between her plump buttcheeks. Cindy was the only one to sit down unconcerned since Jim was tucked away in her ample cleavage.

"How was it? The Booty Express?" Zuemy asked a beet red Pete, who looked like if any more blood rushed to his head he'd faint. Joel was similarly flustered, as he had thoroughly enjoyed the doughy warmth pressing into him while he was in Lillian's tight back pocket with the taut fabric pressing him into the immense gelatinous fleshy globe she had for an asscheek.

Jen slowly reached down into the back of her panties, taking her sweet time to savor the feeling of your tiny form. The slight movements from your twitching limbs, something you did to keep them from falling asleep, had been giving her really pleasant tickles and she wasn't sure if that was your aim, that you were giving her some kind of massage as thanks. She wanted to believe so at least.

Once she picked you up, she brought you to her face's level and couldn't help but giggle sweetly when she saw how flustered you looked, her gorgeous hazel eyes staring at you intently. Seeing her pupils dilate as they focused on you made you feel a bit more embarrassed, all while trying to keep your cool as best as you could.

"I take it you didn't mind my little change of plans?" She playfully asked.
"I know I had proposed carrying you around in my back pocket but I kinda like this one better" Jen gave her big booty a meaty-sounding slap. You shuddered again, feeling countless goosebumps forming all over your arms and on the back of your neck. Unable to speak, too afraid to ramble incoherently, you simply nodded timidly in response.

"Hope your classroom arrangement isn't too much of a downgrade" She winked at you and gently deposited you on her left boob, chuckling because your sinking into her soft flesh gave her a rush of pleasant tickles.

"Heya, neighbor!" You turned to your left, seeing Jim waving at you, standing on Cindy's right boob himself.

'Huh, this is the luckiest I've ever seen him' You thought, half-expecting Jim to have already pissed off the girls with his antics but you were glad he hadn't. You were mildly concerned about Cindy though, you had a strong gut feeling that told you that she was a real sweetheart that needed to be protected, even though she was a thousand times taller than any of the guys currently nearby.

You looked down and managed to spot Joel, standing on Lillian's belly but Pete had been placed on Zuemy's own boob, mirroring the other two girls. Lillian's were definitely large to any Lilliputian but looked very small relative to her own body and compared to the other girls'.

Not that she seemed to mind too much. Her tummy was cute anyway, you'd been on it already, though you wondered if it felt drastically different now that it was full of food. Coming to think of it, all these girls easily demolished food trays that could've fed at least 3 or 4 people, adjusting for their size. Then again you were no stranger yourself to big appetited women, with your mom and big sis being the primary examples, but there were also others like Arianna and Dolores.

'She must be having fun, she loves cooking after all' You smiled, thinking about her. A very close friend of your mom's and self-appointed second mother, for she played a significant role raising you, sometimes looking like it was a competition between her, your grandmas, your aunts and even your own mom herself.

You just hoped that she didn't give away your secret and that she wouldn't be so eager to get you reacquainted with her truly colossal ass. Your hopes for the latter weren't that high, as she'd already made it known she wanted you to massage those planet-sized glutes. Probably not a good idea on a day that she's cooking and presumably eating Mexican food.

"Hey!" You greeted Jim back and also waved at Cindy, who was giving you a sweet look and a kind smile.

Before any small-talk could ensue, the teacher arrived. A tall, very curvaceous woman dressed in what most definitely were traditional Indian garbs, colored dark blue with gold outlines, giving off a subdued yet elegant appearance overall. The teacher herself was a bit of a BBW, with a notoriously large chest and a bit of a chubby belly, but most of the heft on her body was allocated on her wide hips, thick thighs and a massive butt. Definitely bigger than even Lillian's but not as much as Dolores'. She gave off a strict, no-nonsense aura and the tremors that her footsteps caused felt more intimidating than any of the girls'.

She walked to her desk and as she passed by, she noticed your group, seeing Pete, Joel, Jim and yourself on your current location, to which she raised an eyebrow. The 4 girls tensed up for a split second, fearing that she'd get mad at what she saw. But it wasn't anger what showed up on the Indian lady's face, instead it was a look of sincere surprise and a hint of curiosity, causing her to half-smile.

"Huh? This is the first time I see Western girls not being mean, indifferent or rough with Lillies" She said. But with the calm tone of her voice it was hard to ascertain whether it was praise or merely stating facts. Her comment definitely drew the attention from the rest of the classroom.

"Of course, it's the weirdos" You heard some girl mutter.

"Wowzers, imagine how thirsty they are if they've already nabbed themselves a boy each"

"Silence!" The teacher instantly switched back to her serious mode. You noticed that she looked away from your general direction before she spoke louder.

It was such a small thing that you could've thought it was simply to look in the direction where the voices came from but you felt that this was something more, like a graceful but practiced skill. Almost as if this woman had a notable greater amount of experience being around Lillies.

"That's good. I'm glad the program's yielding results so quickly" She said to the girls with a softened look on her face, which caught them off guard to such an extent that you guessed it must be rare.

After that, she officially introduced herself as Mrs. Alisha Kshatriya, confirming that she's indeed from India and that she's been working for several years at Gulliver High as a Math teacher. She laid out the class' ground rules, demanding complete respect and obedience from everyone but clarifying that respect was two-way.

Bullying was not to be tolerated, much less so if it came to physical attacks. She emphasized that anything done in bad faith to Lillie people would warrant very severe punishment, which made you feel a bit better, she definitely cared even if she maintained this stern image for the sake of class order.

As the school's policy is to take it easy for the first week, there's no homework to be given. Similarly to Ms. Coleman, she made everyone introduce themselves to get to know everyone, and it seemed that she was already making an active effort remembering people's names.

Meanwhile, back with Dolores...

The large lunch lady had almost arrived to her personal room, clutching her bloated belly, it felt so taut, like a balloon about to burst, all while her gut kept making loud, gurgling groans that kept getting louder, making her belly rumble. Just as she grabbed her workplace ID card to unlock the door, she reached her limit.

Her enormous ass erupted with an extremely loud, deep and bassy explosive roar that droned on for nearly a whole minute as a truly colossal amount of highly pressurized gas escaped from her body like a swirling typhoon, yet bearing the raging power of a hurricane. Her immense asscheeks clapped and rippled wildly as the furious gust of wind blew its way past them.

Inside the depths of her gut, everything that happened was amplified to mind-blowing extents, Dolores' gigantic fart effectively becoming a cataclysmic explosion as far as Chrissy was concerned. More terrifying tremors that kept intensifying had served as the ominous warning of what was to come, the blonde Lillie bouncing around inside the dense bubble that she felt liek she was inside the world's biggest washing machine.

And then, time seemed to have slowed down to a crawl, as it often happens in movies before a big explosion ensues. She reflexively clenched her teeth tight and tried her best to get into fetal position right as a gargantuan, all-encompassing rumbling roar resounded all around. In a mere instant, she was launched away at breakneck speeds, pitifully carried by the immense hurricane winds exiting the lunch lady's big beautiful booty.

She felt like a mere speck of dust picked up by a tornado, a comparison that was indeed very accurate. Everything that happened after was a blur to her, though she still managed to see and feel the tremendous vibrations from Dolores' titanic asscheeks bouncing and clapping to the violent fart's own beat. Her mind only managed to anchor itself back to reality when she smacked hard into a wall of fabric, but then she felt as if a Brob's hand kept pushing her from behing as if trying to squash her against this surface, that was how powerful Dolores' pent-up fart was.

At some point, feeling shaken up worse than a can of soda, the colosal booty blast finally died down but it left an intense stench of beans and spice in its wake, somehow managing to burn her nostrils once again, even after having breathed the horrid air inside her gut for who-knows-how-long.

Dolores couldn't help but sigh in relief, still feeling embarrassed. She took a quick look around and saw no one so it was likely nobody heard or smelled her blaring release. However, she felt something small, very small come out of her butt and lodge itself on the back of her panties...

October 28, 2023