A short while later...
"Well?" Cindy asked, noting that Jen had been clenching and unclenching her butt as she walked. Her steps had an extra bounce to them too and her hips swayed more than usual but she understood perfectly way, after all, she had the boy she liked pretty much right where she wanted, although with the thin fabric of her panties in between.
"I think he's hugging them back" Jen whispered with a soft giggle while blushing a little.
"It must be comfy, maybe he could nap in there" Cindy suggested and Jen took mental note of that idea. She had already considered letting you "disappear" into her cleavage to escape boring classes but this was even better.
"You think he likes Math?" Jen asked with a playful smile.
"Hmm... I can't tell for sure but I feel like he probably doesn't. You were with him for the last 3 hours though, did he come across as book smart or number smart?" Cindy replied.
"I think he's better with History at least" Jen said, remembering your introduction back in Ms. Coleman's class. Flirting aside, she really wanted to have more conversations with you, and finding out what else you were into was obviously one of the main objectives alongside the more simplistic but no less sincere one of literally getting to know you better.
"Ooh! I wonder if he likes Era of Kingdoms or Soul of Steel!" Cindy's eyes lit up, looking forwards to having a friend that enjoyed historical grand strategy and real time strategy games with her.
She mostly played online with random people or against the computer itself but a few times her friends would join in. Jen and Lillian found Souls of Steel IV a bit harder to get into due to its sheer complexity but they enjoyed Era of Kingdoms quite a lot, specially the second game in the franchise which was set in the Middle Ages.
"Well, I guess we'll have plenty of time to find that out after school" Jen smiled, looking forwards to it herself.
"Yeah, it's so nice that on the first week we get no after-school stuff" Cindy chuckled.
"I thought you liked the Anime & Videogame club" Jen raised an eyebrow.
"Yeah, I do but I'd rather spend that time with you guys" Cindy replied, glancing down at her chest "Plus, I now look forwards to more cuddling than ever before"
Similarly to yourself earlier, Jim had ended up in Cindy's deep cleavage, though not exactly on purpose, it was the literal definition of a happy accident, as her huge boobs' kept bouncing he fell in, but rather than taking him out of it Cindy welcomed him to stay, letting her warm marshmallowy flesh thoroughly engulf his body.
"Understandable" Jen smiled. She too had dropped her after-school activities to spend more time with her friends but also in preparation for the exchange program, she didn't want anything tying her down and keeping her away from finding a boy she liked, though never did she expect she'd find him practically right away...
"You know, you seem chill even though Jen has him riding in the back" Zuemy said to Lillian, the two were walking a few steps behind them but the sounds from the other students was enough to keep their voices unheard.
"Well, I already got my chance to show off and he liked what he saw. I'm less worried now" Lillian shrugged confidently "I still wanna get more quality time with him after classes are done tho"
"Fair. Even I look forwards to that" Zuemy giggled, eliciting a raised eyebrow on her taller friend.
"Relax, I'm not planning on stealing him from you or Jen, but you guys know I've been into Lillie boys the longest. Plus, I could probably help him to handle you two better" Zuemy said with a cheeky grin.
"That'd be great, actually" Lillian smiled, patting her huge booty as she kept walking.
"I don't want him choking on all this juicy meat"
"You'll have to face some fierce competition" Zuemy replied, glancing at Jen's big, swaying jeans-clad booty. The two girls knew that you were somewhere buried between those meaty asscheeks, with only the tight and thin fabric of her panties serving as a barrier between you and one of the most intimate spots on Jen's body.
"Better her than some other random girl" Lillian shrugged.
"Still... gunning for the same guy your bestie wanted to call dibs on" Zuemy said with a look of sincere curiosity.
"What can I say, the heart feels what the heart feels" Lillian sighed.
"Hmm... I wonder..." Zuemy smirked "...could it be that he reminded you of him?" Lillian abruptly stopped in her tracks and Zuemy promptly stopped walking as well. She was a bit surprised she'd struck a nerve since it was something the whole group knew for years.
"Was... was it that obvious?" Lillian stuttered.
"Not really, if you hadn't told us there's no way I would've known" Zuemy shrugged.
"So you are still trying to find your Little Prince, huh?"
Lillian tried to laugh her claim off but her laughter came out weak and the words got caught up in her throat while she blushed, noticeably embarrassed. No matter how long she'd known her, Zuemy couldn't help but be surprised whenever Lillian's aura of overflowing confidence faded, it was such a strange sight, almost as if she turned into a whole different person.
"I mean, I don't think I'll ever find him again... what are the chances anyway?" Lillian managed to speak but her laughter sounded nervous and insincere.
"For all I known he could be anywhere else, his family could've moved away from here years ago"
"That would be a damn shame" Zuemy said sympathetically "Wasn't he half Brob too? That's like finding an unicorn! Girl, you really fumbled big time!" She then teased.
"Nope. Three quarters Brob. His mom was a Brob and his dad was half, I still remember" Lillian said, blushing intensely again as she processed Zuemy's teasing remarks.
"H-Hey! Cut me some slack, I was only in kindergarten!" Lillian scratched her head.
"Besides... I didn't exactly fumble, I asked him to be my bf and he said yes"
"Hmm? I don't remember you telling that before" Zuemy gave her an inquisitive look that got the tall Brazilian beauty to go beet red yet again.
"It was embarrassing to admit... I mean, yeah, we became a couple and we were together for like 6 months but after kindergarten we got separated. And who takes those relationships seriously anyway?" Lillian huffed, looking away in obvious embarrassment.
"At least you do" Zuemy giggled "I think it's cute you've been holding on for him, but that's also why it surprised me that you finally decided to move on" Lillian nodded but then a somewhat awkward silence ensued until Zuemy decided to break it herself.
"Hey, don't you think he might be holding onto that hope too? That he might be waiting for his Big Princess out there somewhere? You think he's that kind of guy?"
"I dunno for sure but I feel like he does" Lillian said with a wishful smile.
"He was definitely the kind of sweet and sincere guy that would. I think he was too nice for his own good. Wherever he may be, I just hope he doesn't get taken advantage of"
Zuemy noticed that a small tear slid from Lillian's left eye but she chose not to acknowledge it. Once again a bit surprised upon learning that new detail on her past but finding the whole thing cute. But as she repeated their words in her mind, she made a pause and her eyes widened.
"Wait a goddamn minute! He was 3/4 Brob?! What the hell..." Zuemy gave Lillian such an intense look that in spite of their notable height difference, Lillian flinched.
"Girl! You didn't find an unicorn, you had the Fricking Holy Grail!" Zuemy grabbed her by the arms and shook her, at that point the two began laughing as Lillian understood what she was getting at.
"I know" Lillian sighed sadly "I know it wasn't under my control, but I still feel like I fumbled big time" She once again remembered their sad departure, not knowing that it'd be the last time she would've seen and talked to her beloved.
"Damn, I really should've just stashed him into my booty and smuggled him in before we moved" She muttered, to which Zuemy couldn't help but giggle.
"I wonder how that would've gone" She said, the two then exchanged a knowing look and realized that they needed to pick up the pace to get to Math class and catch up with Jen and Cindy.
Meanwhile, back in the cafeteria...
Dolores sighed in satisfaction, that was the last of the trays to be washed. With her work done for now, she was entitled to a good amount of hours to rest before she'd have to jump back into the fray to get dinner done. As the first night of the month and of the school year, she knew expectations were high.
She will wondered about those two odd bulges she saw on her belly before, but she didn't even feel sick, the only thing out of the ordinary were the immense amounts of gas that she's been holding in for the last hour but sweet release was finally within her grasp. She put away her apron and took off the rubber gloves she wore to wash stuff. After all, she wasn't feeling sick and wasn't about to ruin the first school day over nothing.
As she walked towards her room, many high pressure gas bubbles in her gut got dislodged from the walls, causing them to rumble and groan as they began to rush down, meeting with the large bubble that blocked the way. A certain terrified Lillie let out a muffled scream as the immense barrage assaulted her, pushing her back into the horrendous bubble that held her prisoner earlier. All Dolores could hear was her belly making angry-sounding noises, as if protesting her lack of release.
Chrissy desperately tried to swim away, but the bubbles kept hitting her, merging into the larger one and making it grow and as it grew, the swirling mix of noxious gases inside became more and more pressurized, and the bubble itself began pressing with more force against the walls of Dolores' lower gut. Chrissy let out a blood-curdling scream when she got pushed all the way back inside the horrendous bubble and watched with widened eyes how more and more smaller ones kept ramming into it. Her surroundings began to make bellowing groans, like those of a titanic monster, and it sounded really angry. The sheer noise caused tremors that she felt and she could only fear what'd come next...