"Poor Blaise. I hope the tough training at your old school helps because sheesh, dat ass..." Zuemy teased both you and Lillian.

"It shouldn't be that much of an issue, hers is super squishy and soft just like mine!" Cindy said, evidently trying to cheer her friend up while also slightly teasing you.

"Well, all of us have soft bodies" Jen said, blushing a little once more.

"True! You really hit the jackpot if you're into thiccness" Zuemy giggled, making you feel embarrassed although not in a necessarily bad way.

Moments later, Cindy finally decided that she'd given your friends enough cuddling with her boobs and gently fished them out one by one.

"How was it?" She asked enthusiastically.

"I never thought I'd experience Heaven before I died" Jim said, kneeling down in an overdramatic way.

"Doubt you'll go there with how you behave" Pete joked.

"It was really nice" Joel said, feeling just as embarrassed as the rest but none of them regretted anything.

"Well, I've got something even better for you" Cindy winked and before they could answer, she swiftly picked up all 3 of them at once and brought them down and around her waist, pulling her short shorts back with her free hand. The 3 boys shuddered and went beet red when they saw her titanic booty, her crack was like a deep, dark chasm, yet one that had an alluring call that they felt compelled to answer.

"As your people say, Bon Voyage" You chuckled just as Cindy tilted her hand and dropped them right into her crack and inside the back of her panties.
"Wow... I thought you were just gonna press them into the cheeks" You said to Cindy.

"I felt like they were ready for my best type of cuddling" She replied as cutely as ever.

"Right now there are certain forces protecting you but you'll end up deep down between those cheeks sooner or later" Zuemy told you, briefly glancing at a flustered Jen. You were just as surprised yourself, and even more so when Cindy enthusiastically nodded in agreement. All you could do was laugh awkwardly and look away while feeling like your face was boiling.

Back at the cafeteria kitchen...

Dolores still have quite a lot of things that needed washing but she was making steady progress. Her increased walking speed seemed to have loosened various straggling gas bubbles that got stuck along the way down her gut and they kept erupting one after another. She giggled, enjoying the feeling of her massive cheeks rumbling to those repeated blasts.

'Oh that reminds me of that day back in last summer vacation. Little Blaise was so lovely, diving deep down between my cheeks to make sure to give them a thorough rub' She thought, fondly reminiscing about that day, even remembering all the pleasant tingles she felt.
'I almost felt bad, Miriam kept feeding me her cooking and that got me so gassy but he was such a sweetheart and a trooper too! Didn't complain at all even though I kept letting 'em rip all day long'

Meanwhile, Chrissy had to bite one of her own hands to muffle her scream as more thunderous explosions erupted behind her, with enormous gusts of hot, thick and noxious wind blew past her although she remained determined to escape this hell. As soon as she could get a shower and rest, she'd get her revenge on that "cow titted Brob" as she called her in her mind. She was not going to let this humiliation stand and was fully committed to reminding her which one was the superior among the 3 races.

Soon, one of her hands finally felt the cold air from the outside and she quickly pulled herself forward, her torso slightly peeking out of Dolores' canyon-esque crack. Her tight work pants had already ridden down, unable to cope with the sheer amount of jiggling blubber they were tasked with containing.

'I'd really love it if he came to give me one of those amazing booty rubs right now even if I'm a tad explosive right now' Dolores smiled and she could swear she practically felt his tiny body tickling the sensitive inner side of her humongous asscheeks. She even lost herself a little as she savored the feeling, imagining that you were actually there. Unfortunately, this slip of her mind ended up causing her a slip in real life, as she failed to notice a small oil spill from the playes and pans she was carrying to wash.

Things appeared to become slow motion to Chrissy when she suddenly felt weightless and her entire immediate world, Dolores' gigantic behind, rose up in the air and then it began to plummet down.

"Shit, shit, shit!" Chrissy panicked like she never had before in her life. She saw her life flash before her eyes and it enraged her to no end, to think that such a promising life ahead would end up getting cut short into a tiny smear on some of the most oversized buttcheeks she'd ever seen.

Her body acting on the rawest reflex quickly retreated back into her ginormous crack but there was little time for anything else and soon she heard and felt an absolutely monstrous boom as Dolores' massive 90 inch booty slammed down on the floor, causing the whole kitchen to shake a little, the rattling of the many metallic trays and the various dishes adding a touch of chaos to it all.

What the proud Lillie failed to account for was that the tremendous force from Dolores' fall went both ways and soon she was propelled at breakneck speeds in spite of the overbearing weight pressing from both sides. She was shot all the way up into her crack until she hit something soft but different...

"Huh?" Chrissy felt all kinds of dizzy and disoriented and tried to grab onto whatever was in front of her, but as soon as she touched it with her hands, the whole thing twitched as if she'd just awakened a massive monster. Her sight took a moment to adjust to the near total darkness in there but once they did her eyes widened in horror and she let out many frantic screams when she realized that she was faced with a building-sized rubber-like fleshy ring that began twitching and contracting, like the maw of a vicious beast that just got rudely awakened.

"Oof, gotta be more careful with these oil spills" Dolores muttered but she was laughing it off as she was completely unharmed, thanks to the overly abundant cushioned she packed. Most of the time the bigger issue was the floor getting damaged, as even the toughest tiles often cracked upon receiving the impact of such an enormous booty.

She quickly got up and went to grab a piece of cloth to wipe the oil with. When she bent over to do so she could feel like some stray lint had gotten real deep in between her fatty cheeks. Not paying it much mind, she simply twitched her hole to hopefully dislodge it since it was rubbing into a sensitive spot although she didn't completely hate the feeling.

"This cannot be. This is a nightmare, this is a nightmare!" Chrissy was on the edge of losing her mind if she hadn't already. The weight that pressed her from both sides was far too great, pinning him against the yawning monstrosity Dolores called an asshole. Currently it was clenched shut but she had already seen that it could open and its sheer size made her shudder on many levels she didn't even think herself capable of. The worst part was that it looked more than big enough to swallow entire Lillie-sized skyscrapers without issue.

As if on cue, these massive rubbery bands began twitching and contracting, greedily pinching her limbs in between them and their undulating motions soon brought her right to the very middle of it, where its "maw" opened for a split second and slurped her in, quickly closing behind her. Chrissy frantically began banging on the fleshy wall with both of her fists to no avail, all while Dolores felt a soft but pleasant feeling deep in her butt, making her crave your tiny massaging hands all the more...

Meanwhile, back in the cafeteria...

Cindy was delighted to feel the 3 Lillie guys nestled between her cheeks, their warm doughiness simply swallowed them into a complete embrace. She could even feel her own warmth seeping into them and when they'd first fallen in she shuddered, Lillies' bodies felt cooler to her touch and it was akin to dropping 3 miniature ice cubes down into her crack.

"Well, now you know that Cindy wants you between her cheeks at some point" Zuemy teased.
"Now, what if, say... Jen wanted to give you that treatment?"

"Zuemy!" Jen went beet red for the umpteenth time.

"What? Maybe it won't be intentional? What if one day he's on your seat and you're wearing one of those tiny shorts that barely fit your ass that your crack peeks ou-"

"Enough" Jen said rather dryly, feeling even more embarrassed "Please, don't listen to her" She said to you, however, when she looked at you she didn't see annoyance or disgust, she saw that you were blushing just as much as her.

"H-Huh?!" You looked up and panicked at the sight of those hazel eyes that were making your heart pound moments before.

"I think we got our answer" Zuemy giggled cheekily. Lillian took mental note of this, feeling more confident for her future plans.

"W-Well!" Jen laughed somewhat awkwardly "He did agree to traveling in my back pockets too" She said, which caused Zuemy and Lillian to give you curious stares again.
"Speaking of which, do you wanna ride there next?"

"Of course!" You blurted out, nearly by reflex but then realized what you'd just done.
"I-I mean, sure, alright!" You laughed and looked away, once again feeling thankful that these girls weren't too judgmental. On the other hand, you had hardly ever answered something so quickly and with such conviction... it was almost as if the sight or the mere thought of being Jen's huge, gorgeous butt was enough to compel you into agreeing to anything that'd get you closer to it. Well, being honest her immense boobs were also great and you loved how warm and safe you felt in her cleavage but her ass held a sort of primal appeal not even you could fully explain. Almost as if something from a forgotten past called you to it...

October 8, 2023