"But several games ask for a Fezbook account" Cindy commented.

You couldn't help but look away, given that it used to be one of the largest networks, virtually everyone had a page there and that was your problem, your family were all there. You were maybe among the minority that opted not to use your real name and never posted anything giving away real info that could be used to identify you but even then, your mom and a few people close to your family and a couple relatives eventually found out you had a profile there and friended you, this being the main reason for your hesitation.

"Well, yeah... I mean I do have a Fezbook profile but I only ever use it for games or to browse memes" You explained "I definitely don't use stuff like Inkagram though"

"What's wrong with Inkagram?" Jen asked with a curious expression.

"I mean, isn't that supposed to be a page for artists? I don't draw much these days so I don't even bother" You said, scratching the back of your head.

"No, silly! That's how it started out but it became more of a hub for all forms of artistic expression and since photography is a form of art too, a lot of people just use it to share their pics online" Jen said.

"Huh, I never really thought about that. I usually just share pics with my friends or my family. My mom loves sunset photos so I snap one if it looks like I can get a good pic but I just send them to her directly" You explained, feeling a little antiquated despite your age.
"Wait, then what the hell is Fezbook for if Inkagram is also for pictures?"

"I think the main reason is that almost everyone is on FezBook these days, including parents and other relatives" Lillian chimed in "Then again it's not that hard to find someone's Inka, most people use their real name or a very simplistic nickname"

"I didn't think you liked doing photography, in that case why not make an Inkagram acc to post your stuff?" Jen asked and the look in her eyes made you think that she might have an interest in this for some reason.

"I mean, I don't think I'll be taking a whole lot of pics of the sunset if I'm gonna be stuck inside this school for at least a year" You replied.

"Aww, you really make it sound like it's such a bad thing" Lillian playfully pretended to pout.

"With what school has been like for him up until now, that's perfectly understandable" Zuemy said, Lillian then apologized sheepishly.

"I dunno" You said, looking at Jen "I guess I could make an account but don't count on me using it a whole lot"

"No problem. Here!" Jen said and texted you an invite link to sign up. The process was fairly streamlined and because it was Jen's link, it automatically friended you to her once you finished creating your profile.

While you were busy tapping on your phone, Zuemy and Cindy gave Jen a thumbs up, the former also showed Lillian what appeared to be a tallied score between her and Jen, and the score was heavily in Jen's favor by now, making the larger Brazilian beauty huff in annoyance.

Once you were done, you saw the notification that you'd gotten some kind of achievement for having made a friend and another one for being invited through someone's personal link. When you tapped on the former it took you to Jen's profile.

She was just as gorgeous in her profile pic as she was in person. The next thing you noticed was that she only had 12 followers, you found that odd but then you looked down and saw that Jen's profile showed several pics and videos of her in a skimpy red bikini, blushing madly you quickly closed the app. Unknown to you, Jen had been looking at you the entire time and smiled when she saw your reaction.

"You can easily find Lillian, Zuemy and Cindy to friend them on Inka too" She said, unwittingly getting you to snap out of it. Not very long after, your phone rang thrice as the girls had already sent you a friend request each.

"That was fast" You chuckled and accepted them but didn't go looking into the app for now.

"Hey, how about Ribbit?" Cindy asked. Of course she would ask, out of all social networks, this was the one that resembled the great forums of older times that your parents told you about.

Discussions were often not in real time but without being constrained to short messages and allowing to post various kinds of pictures and videos, it became the de facto platform to discuss many things in detail, such as history, videogames and memes, a few of the things that were among your personal interests.

You heard all 4 girls tapping at their phones and once those sounds stopped Jen sent you a text with a link to everyone's profiles. You raised an eyebrow, you anticipated that Cindy would have a Ribbit profile but it seemed odd that the other 3 did as well, but in any case you went into each one and friended them.

'Thankfully I have nothing to worry about among my posts or UpRibbs' You sighed in relief. If they were okay with Cindy's nerdy dorkiness you hoped they didn't judge you too much for your gaming interests. Though the History stuff was most likely a turnoff. You made a mental note not to talk too much about that.

The girls had you add them on Brotube next...

"Whoah, 2,000 subscribers?!" Cindy said, realizing that your channel featured a mix of gameplay, guides and memes.

"I mean, I've had that channel for a long time but don't take it seriously" You laughed awkwardly. Seeing the number go up to 2004 felt oddly nice if only because you knew these 4 were subbing you for you rather than your content and you actually hoped they didn't focus too much on it or you might completely ruin what little rep you had now.

"And lastly, Chirper!" Jen said, and as before she sent you a link to all of their profiles.
"Even with all the shenanigans going on it's still the world's biggest social network"

"Too bad it's mostly for bickering now" Zuemy said.

"At least the memes are good!" Lillian chuckled.

"Literally half the reason I even bother using it" You chuckled as well and gave Lillian a thumbs up "To be honest it was Jim who dragged me into making a Chirper account but at least it's good for game rewards and as a login thing"

"Hey, I just noticed... none of your social networks have your name" Jen said, by the look of it she was browsing your Chirper profile.

"I just prefer not to be located over the Internet... I know, it's a silly thing but still, I like keeping my online identity apart from real life" You explained, feeling a bit nervous and awkward "Besides I don't think my name's cool enough anyway" You shrugged.
"Whatever happens, at least nobody online would know who I am in real life, and very few people in real life know who I am online"

The girls took mental note of these things, Cindy in particular concluded that you needed to make more friends so you'd feel more comfortable being yourself as she could somewhat relate. She even felt a bit bad that she's had these wonderful, supporting friends all these years while you only had 2, and then again guy friendships worked differently as far as she knew.

Out of an eager curiosity that she couldn't keep in check, Jen took a look at the pages you followed on Chirper and for the most part, it was as you'd described, game companies, fanpages, accounts dedicated to providing gaming news, various meme and shitposting ones as well but among all of these, there were two that drew her attention.

'Huh? Who's this? MSX-1984?' She raised an eyebrow. The profile was configured to only display info for mutuals but her profile pic was already quite enough. A curvy woman of striking beauty.
'She must be a model... Weird that she's not advertising any sites like OnlyPats' She browsed around but found absolutely no further info on this mystery woman, all she could tell was that she seemed to be tall, had beautifully bronzed skin and a physique that could give both herself and Lillian's a run for their money.
'I've never seen a Lillie woman that thick' She thought and then blushed furiously when another realization hit her.
'Wait, is this what he's into? If that 1984 is her birth year...?!' She blushed even more and glanced down at her chest 'Lillian and Zuemy were joking but maybe they were right? But I dunno how much of a "mommy type" I can be'

She then checked the second profile that caught her eye.
'BX_75... Wait, what?! 1975?!' Like the previous one, she was a stunning woman featuring an even larger backside, very comparable to Lillian's in proportion but she had a more toned physique, hinting at her doing exercise. Her peculiar hairstyle and the beauty mark made her look even more like a glamorous model or even some kind of movie star but there was nothing on her page, set to only display info to mutuals. She shook her head and concluded she'd need to talk to her friends about these findings later.

Meanwhile, back in the cafeteria kitchen...

Chrissy was in hell, or a place even worse if she could say so herself. Thoroughly engulfed between two gargantuan walls of gelatinous flesh that sandwiched her with the weight of entire worlds. She was still reeling from the monstrous explosion that erupted from the terrifying dark depths but as much as she despised it, her torment was far from over.

The stubborn Lillie painstakingly clawed at the blubbery masses enveloping her body and dragged herself forward, hoping to eventually escape this noxious warzone. But Dolores' continuous movement kept making things far from easy, and her back-and-forth walking to wash trays and plates meant that heat was building up on her body and specially in her huge crack.

Although her Lillie physiology could endure higher temperatures much better than low ones, the humongous fleshy masses all around her could not and copious amounts of sweat emerged from all over. Worse yet, car-sized drops of sweat rained down from above, many splashing her head-on and drenching her whole body.

Chrissy had already screamed so much that her throat hurt but this sweaty "bath" sent her into yet another frenzy, desperately to crawl out while the surfaces she desperately gripped on became treacherously slick. Just then, the low, ominous rumbling from before was heard again and she shuddered.

"No! Not this again!" She squirmed aimlessly while the deep grumbling groans that heralded her impending torment echoed all around her...

October 6, 2023