A Tiny Child Chapter 11
· original author:
And after all that's here now, all that's here displayed in this cosmic instant, as you lunge forward in some asinine pose it stops. It applying not only to you, not only to Waters or the entities that surround you but time itself. The thoughts of your own being. My thoughts as well. You're there, floating gently in the waxwing breeze that had ceased moments before and you cannot even function, cannot even think a work but still your stoic eyes are there almost glazed looking to the blacktop graphs and your impressionable, young mind is almost stupefied by the skyline. All is flaxen and fair. Now in the complete silence it seems as if nature itself demands you to close your eyes and feel the good vibes but you cannot, will not as time still remains as frozen as ever, almost a pointless existence.

It is then that the sky tears open, tears open to reveal and infinitely bright light an infinite distance away and the tear continues downward toward the false horizon that surrounds everything—you think nothing of it because you don't even exist. You do not believe you exist. You simply cannot lose. And so the rip in spacetime goes unhindered whilst what appears to me (and not to you) to be Angels, plausibly souls of these deceased. Of your brethren lost on this cruel planet to the uncaring gaze of those above you . . . they are tinies, same as you and I and YellowBlack and all that spoke before it, they are the ones who stand there with glazed eyes and they must watch over the world. The world that stole their lives. The people that took them from their families. They are important, just as important as you and I, if not more, because they persevere. They exist.

The beings who fall down to the planet then stop, and descending from the now practically sable impossibility above you is this figure in Mephistopholes Robes and Katrina Light emerging all around her, her loving eyes cannot be understood by the mortal form reading this. You are corporeal, you do not understand the being, you do not understand who I am, why I have arrived. It is me who comes down, it is Dressing in her screaming gown who exists here not as a single person but rather as an entity, something presiding over all of time and space that acts more as law than existence. I come down not slowly but quickly, so quickly that you cannot register it and it hurts. You are not the exception.

Almost as small as you I become, just a bit taller and then my footsteps begin and the pavement below is ringing unnaturally, despite time, despite all having stopped I am still here, I am still continuing and my eyes are closed ignoring you but there is a warmth there. An aura that exists there for you, lets you feel me and it's comforting but you are not aware of it. For the first time you are no longer truly aware, instead you are as unaware as the dust between your fingers. You are not alive anymore, but at the same time you are. Maybe you never were truly born in the first place. Doubt comes across your mind and evaporates in the exact same microsecond, the exact moment it arrives it again vanishes by the will of Those Above as well as me and YellowBlack himself and now you know your eyes set upon an Author, one who shall shape you and shall guide you.

And I will lead you to where you shall be loved, and you will laugh, but soon will leave. But you will live and then be filled with this bottomless regret because you will always be aware that you are a construct. You were not born. You simply appeared here into existence at the will of a horny man. You do not matter. But you are still Important. People have read about you. Have continued reading and then crafted their own stories about you—their own opinions of who you are, a cosmic collage of those who wish to be you. Those who wish to be lodged between the breasts of a MILF or within the anus of their young girl sister—all these Humbert Humbert cats who believe in you. Even if you are not real, even if you are not true, you are still believed in. Because how you live is a dream, you may not know it but it is a fantasy to some and you get to experience it, you greedy cunt.

So be proud of yourself for what you are. Remember that you live how no other ever will, because you are not a person, you are not a being or even a noun. You are You. The best You. No one else can even compare to how perfect you are. Finally I stand before you and radiate so brightly that you can no longer see anything, you feel as though you almost do not exist anymore. Because you never did. You never were a thing in the first place. I could approach my closest friend and ask them of you and they will only shrug. No database on the planet discounts you as alive. You do not breathe. You only eat if I want you to. Watch this:

You are deceased. Just like that you have died. Regardless of how many people will ever read of you and regardless of how much people love to know of you, you can die at so quickly with such ease.

But you cannot die right here. You can't die right now, right? No, you can't die. You won't die. This is not where you die. You are not dead.

And you—Jake—will live on for all of eternity. You will outlive any other being in existence and you will still remain frozen before me in my presence. Your entire family will die one by one and you will not know, all of your friends will be gone and soon their descendants as well will be gone. And then Waters will too die, and the planet below you that binds you to land will too fade away and it will be just you and I together, frozen. You will live on for each individual second and experience it but never grow bored or tired because you are no longer aware of anything and all you will know—will need to know—is Dressing. Anything I ever said to you will not be heard, anything you feel as though you have learned does not matter. Because forever you will be with me, will know me more than any other despite not even seeing me, not even having ever thought of Dressing being a plausible name, you will be my company as my leaves, my roots, you will bring me life as one final concept, an idea, really, had by YellowBlack that will keep my alive from your being, I will siphon off your past, off your future, off the present mind and all of your memories until you are nothing left except the husk frozen in the air.

And soon enough it will be only us in the entire universe surrounded by darkness but it will not matter anymore because you will love me and I will love you, Jake. And all we shall ever need is each other, and that is okay, because no matter what, You shall be Important to me. You shall make the difference because your life had changed everything, regardless of what you may believe. You changed everything. Floating here thinking of nothing, not even able to think, not even able to know, you are immersed.
May 12, 2023
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