You wield your Necrotic Blame of Doom, garnering an additional +5 to your attack characteristic.

But you must not misjudge the effects of the space-time mechanic in your 3d-space battlefield!
Your opponent (OP) is currently residing at point (0,0,8), and his hyperadjusted virtual terminal is positioned at (0,4,0,), giving his hyperadjusted-assisted dual-attack characteristic an astounding +10 due to the right-angle triangle he and the terminal form with the origin!

You must find a way to prevent his making an equilateral triangle, which would give him a total of 85 attack characteristic once the relevant bonuses are considered.

you, on the other hand, have no hyperadjusted virtual terminal and reside at point (-5,-6,11). You are higher than him on the Z plane, but with all your bonuses right now you only amount to 43 attack characteristic.

These are dire times.

You must act with sagacity.
May 12, 2023
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