Shower with the pretty doctor
A Tiny Child Chapter 5
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Elizabeth decides that she doesn't want to be dirty for much longer, so a shower would be good. The giantess steps into her bathroom and gives a big sigh. Her bathroom was so clean and peaceful, just the way she liked it. She started to take her clothes off, dropping them to the floor. She took off her socks, giving Jake fresh air. Though he was still stuck on her foot, it was still good to have some freedom.

Fate was not on his side today though, as Elizabeth stepped into the shower with him due to the fact that he was in her sock all day, he didn't know where he was and didn't find out until it was too late. The water came rushing. To Elizabeth, it was warm and felt nice when it hit her skin, washing away all of the dirt and gunk. To Jake however, it was hot and hurt a little bit each time he was hit directly. Not only that, but the water was starting to get him out, which wasn't necessarily a good thing considering that the drain behind him could take him to an unpleasant location, full of dirty water and rats!

"So nice." Elizabeth said, enjoying her shower and unaware of what was happening to her friend. Eventually, Jake couldn't stay on any longer and was taken by the water. He was quickly heading towards the hole of no return. Jake screamed, and started to panic. Just when he was about to enter the darkness, possible forever, the water suddenly stopped.

"Huh?" Jack said and looked up. Elizabeth had finished her shower and stepped out. Jake quickly got his bearings and started to follow her. He just got to her foot when the giantess accidentally got him with a towel as she was drying her feet. Jake, who was now really disorientated, was lifted up to Elizabeth's breast, becoming trapped as the towel was wrapped around her. Though he squirmed, his doctor didn't feel a thing. Elizabeth got some fresh clothes, humming along the way, and put them on. As she put on her bra, Jake was covered from his waist down.

"That's better. In fact, I think I'll just stay in my bikini tonight." The giantess said. As she started to move, Jake saw her . . .
May 12, 2023
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