Spending the Day under the Doctor’s Toes
A Tiny Child Chapter 4
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While you’re still struggling under Elizabeth’s socked toes, both her and your mother continue to hunt for you, unaware of just how close by you really are. They search for a few minutes, but then your mother says “I’m so sorry Dr. Elizabeth. I’m sure that Jake is just somewhere on my person, but I think we should just leave. I’ll make sure to reschedule the appointment with you.” And then they start to stand up, and you start struggling even harder against Elizabeth’s massive toes, but then her 2nd toe harshly slams into you, stifling your attempts at discovery. And then it starts to rub into you rhythmically, forcing you to taste and smell her slightly sweaty sock covered toe. Elizabeth merely figured that a pebble fell into her shoe at some point, and she thought it felt very nice, and she didn’t make the connection between Jake and a pebble. Even though Elizabeth was a doctor and all, she could still be a bit ditzy about things at times, so Jake had a very slim chance of discovery before his mom finally left. Before Carolyn left, she said “I hope you have a great day Dr. Elizabeth! And I’ll keep a closer eye on Jake next time!” Elizabeth simply said, with a laid back and cheerful tone, “Oh don’t worry about it! It’s tough to keep track of tinies at times! Good bye!” And you try to shout out to someone to realize that you’re inside the shoe, despite knowing that it was completely in vain.

Elizabeth continues on for her day, taking in and speaking with other patients and such, while you were repeatedly ground into the shoe material by her incredibly huge 2nd toe. You are glad that Elizabeth’s heels have a nice layer of cushiony material, which made the whole experience more manageable, although you could definitely think of a few ways to better spend your day than inside your doctor’s shoe. But, you have to admit that Elizabeth was pretty attractive to you, and you didn’t get to see very many member of the opposite sex who weren’t family, since your mom was so protective and a bit constrictive with you. And being a tiny made you into different things than a ‘normal’ person might find enjoyable, so being under Elizabeth’s toes was actually pretty fun. And as that 2nd toe continued to play with your small body, you can’t help but notice a fairly small hole that was around where the toe and the ball of her foot met, so you hope you don’t get knocked in there anytime soon. But your thoughts were interrupted when Elizabeth’s 2nd toe slammed into your body again, making sure to vigorously rub into you, and the sweat and heat was beginning to rise. It was around this time when Elizabeth was starting to get a bit tired, and decided to sit down to take a small break.

While Elizabeth was taking a break, and having a small snack, she remembered that pebble, so she started to shake her foot to try and dislodge it from where ever it got stuck. The whole shoe shook, sending you rocketing around it and bouncing across each of her socked toes. But at one point, you are sent away from the toes, and right into the small hole you identified earlier, and you were moving too quickly to stop yourself. You are tossed into her sock, which was even hotter and more humid than the shoe was, and by the time Elizabeth was finished shaking her foot and shoe, you were back under her toes, which now lacked the cotton barrier. This time, you were crammed in-between her 3rd and 4th toes, and she started to scrunch and wriggle her toes again, wondering how the pebble got into the sock. She mumbles “Well that didn’t work. If I want to get rid of it now, I’d need to take off my sock! And I can’t do that while I’m on duty. That’s unsanitary!” Hearing that, it dawns on you that you’ll be stuck inside her sock at least until she leaves for the day. You can feel your body getting pushed further and further into her sweaty toe flesh, but you’re glad that tinies have a stronger level of durability than you would expect.

The rest of the day went pretty much as you would have expected, with regular attention from Elizabeth’s monolithic toes, and the end of the work day eventually came. She got into her car, and made her way home, and you got even further pressed into her toes while she used the brake and acceleration pedals. And when she got home, she lazily took off her heels, alleviating some of the pressure from her toes, which in turn gave you a very slight increase in breathing room. As Elizabeth slowly walked across the room, as she was very tired at this point, you were snugly kept in your small place in-between her loving and possessive toes. She wondered what she should do first, because she was both tired and sleepy. And because you were so deeply crammed into her sweat coated and grimy toe flesh, you were in turn covered by all of it as well, which would make you look a lot more like a dirty piece of junk or gunk than a normal tiny. You hope that she will see past your outward appearance, when she eventually takes off the sock has a chance to see you. She really needed a shower, because she works up enough of a sweat during the day that she feels gross when she gets home. But she was also pretty hungry, and she wanted to start making dinner. And whatever Elizabeth chose to do first, tiny Jake would most likely be dragged along for the ride, as she still hasn’t felt like removing her socks yet. What does she decide to do first?
May 12, 2023
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