Elizabeth and Mellissa get breast implants (EE ...
A Tiny Child Chapter 10
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you wake up to see both of your mothers already up and then they pack in 2 EE size bra's you ask what is going on then Mellissa says "honey we are going to have surgery we'll be back in a few hours" then there's a knock at the door and in enters https://i.pinimg.com/736x/2d/75/ae/2d75aeb43ecde41db530bf4856612dbf--sexy-photog... wearing https://ourworld.zendesk.com/hc/user_images/odjUXUUD05MnHNMqEeq7iA.jpeg then Mellissa says this is our house maid Barbie, and today your guardian till we get back" then Barbie says "hello master Jake I will be your guardian for today" she says before Mellissa and Elizabeth whisper to you "Barbie is a huge air head so be careful" then they leave and Barbie lays down next to you on the bed naked https://i.pinimg.com/736x/41/e3/f4/41e3f4ca2462c616532d0446e4b38479--sexy-busty-...
then she says so ever been between a woman's tits whilst they're jogging" she says, you shake your head then she got dressed in a sports bra and shorts and put you in her huge tight cleavage put on her headphone with her music at volume and then she headed to the house gym and walked on to the treadmill and set it to 10 then she was jogging for 2 hours then she stopped took you back to bed got back into her maid uniform and a few minutes later your mothers arrived and Barbie left you were socked out of belief both your mom's had size EE cup tits, then they inject you with a serum that made you invincible if you were crushed you would reform in minutes then...
May 12, 2023