everything goes well for the next for years
A Tiny Child Chapter 8
· original author:
you are at home sitting between your 2 moms when suddenly there is a knock at the door then Mellissa went to answer the door and for safety reason Elizabeth shoved you down in her bra which she had cut a hole in her bra that fit your head perfectly then she put back on her thin top and went with Mellissa to answer the door then she saw a woman the woman then said "hello Elizabeth my daughter" the she gave Elizabeth a big hug that hurt you then she walked inside and both Mellissa and Elizabeth went into the bedroom and took you out then Elizabeth told you " you need to hide from my mom, she is the most naughty and horny person I have ever met and she thinks all dolls are dildos" with that she put you in her draw and locked it, it was a special draw that looked like wood from the outside but you can see out of it as if it were glass, soon after both girls leave in entered Elizabeth's mom (Olivia) completely naked https://i.pinimg.com/736x/41/e3/f4/41e3f4ca2462c616532d0446e4b38479--sexy-busty-... then she looks around the room and at your draw and says Quietly to herself " now where o where does my daughter keep her dildos then she put her hand on the draw and found it was locked then she looked under her bed as she bent open you see her ass cheeks spread parts and then she falls back and you see her anus wrap around the knob of the draw and then you hear her moan, Mellissa and Elizabeth also hear the moan and rush into the room telling Olivia to get out then she farted and left the smell seeped into the draw then Elizabeth opened the draw and smelled the gas and immediately took you out the draw and half an hour later you were fine then...
May 12, 2023
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