In her pussy?
A Tiny Child Chapter 11
· original author:
You run to her woman hood and see if looks nice and clean no hair you can tell it's been waxed, you see her camel toe sticking out far, you go and rub it she moves around a bit excited her musty womanhood smell is calling you. There is fresh cum in her wall of skin you pick it up and it taste great it is warm but sweet. You go in deeper rubbing her walls but she must be having a good set dream because she explodes cum every where you pick off a little bit and it was so good you go back to her face and fall asleep right by her lips. You wake up by getting kissed by Stacy she smiles down at you* you sent exploring in me little one, good I liked it. I'm going to take my morning shower. she grabs you and places you in her mouth an r walks to the bathroom her mouth closes and you can't see anything it is to dark but you hear the shower go on eventually she pulls you out and takes off your clothes and she smiles at you. Jakey you got a boner for me *sucks on it*
Come on you can cum and you cum in her mouth. Now Jakey you need a shower and covers you in soap and smiles* now your clean. She turns off the shower and smiles. Good boy. Now it's time to eat *brings you down stairs puts you down and grabs a plate of food* wait here
May 12, 2023