You arrive, and Stacy is maybe too excited to s...
A Tiny Child Chapter 4
· original author:
You arrive at Stacys house, your mother probably put you in her cleavage so Stacy wouldnt bug her about it. Stacy always had a thing for you, she even joked with your mom once about how she would love to be able to play around with her friends tiny son. Carolyn steps out of the car and walks to the door, ringing the door bell. After a few moments, Stacy answers the door in a very revealing blouse and a short pencil skirt that equally shows off that giant butt of hers that squashed you last time....

"Carolyn! Im so happy you and your son could make it!" she gives your mom a hug, knocking you from Carolyns cleavage into hers!
"Now where is my little man?" she asks
May 12, 2023
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