Stacy's Cleavage
A Tiny Child Chapter 5
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Your mom smiles and points down at her cleavage. Stacy laughs and and leans in to get a better look. You of course, being in Stacy's cleavge, almost fall out as she leans forward, but your legs are caught tight between Stacy's massive breasts. Stacy frowns, not seeing you in your mom's cleavage.

"Huh." Stacy cocks her head to the side. "He's not in there Carolyn." Your mom gasps. She glances down at her cleavage in surprise.

"Not there? But he should be right there!" Your mom begins to panic. She pulls about her breasts with her hands, searching for you frantically. Obviously, she doesn't find you. Meanwhile, Stacy has stood upright again, and puts her hands against her breasts in impatience. This is what you had been fearing. Her breasts naturally rise up from the force she is applying. The squishy flesh rises up around you, and swallows you up. You are covered in darkness and warm flesh.

"Come on Carolyn!" Stacy sighs. "I want to talk some. I'm sure he'll turn up evantually. He always does!" Your mom keeps looking for you, but stops and slowly looks up.

"You're right Stacy."

"All right! Let's go inside!" Stacy drops her hands and walks inside. When she dropped her hands, her breasts conformed back to the their original shape, but dragged you down as well! You were now completely hidden from view! Stacy sat down on her couch, and your mom sat down on the chair opposite her couch. "So Carolyn, how is Jake? Is he well?" Carolyn sighed.

"Not now he isn't." Stacy giggled, and even your mom had to laugh as well.

"I meant other than now."

"Oh. Well he's been okay I guess. The normal."

"Any funny stories you can tell me?" Stacy asking, smiling. She loved to hear stories about you. Your mom leaned forward in her chair.

"I have some good ones. Last week Jake must have accidentally fallen into my panties before I put them on, because I found him there when I took them off. Of course, I took them off a whole two days after I put them on!" Stacy giggled uncontrollably.

"He was stuck in your vagina for a whole two days!"

"And also, three days ago I found out from Amanda that she had discovered him in her room. But she found him wrapped up in one of her tampons. A used tampon!" Stacy giggled harder.

"He sure is a pussy kind of guy huh?"

"And even yesterday he ran into trouble! After feeling a weird ticklish feeling in my ass all day, I look inside and find who? Jake!" Stacy gigled louder than you thought possible, falling onto the floor in a fit of laughter. Of course, you had explanations for all of these stories, but you were interrupted by Stacy's breasts smashing onto the floor. They crushed you between them effortlessly, and you were even more mashed than before. She got up, and her and your mom talked for another three hours, before your mom got up, said goodbye, adn left. She must have forgotten about you! After saying goodbye to your mom, Stacy decided to...
May 12, 2023
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