she moved forward so you left and went into the...
A Tiny Child Chapter 11
· original author:
Mellissa forgot all about you and then moved forward, you see her huge pussy then suddenly rush towards you then you jump off the sofa and onto a cushion on the floor then you run into then you lay on (your size) then you place it on the water run and jump making it float into the middle then you lay down floor sleep.

In the morning your mom decides to take a naked swim then sees you in the pool asleep then she decides to have fun (she thinks you love being under her ass or in her tits) she slowly gets in the water and swims under you then she gently tilts your inflatable and you float on the water she then stands up and spreads apart her ass cheeks then puts you deep in her ass then she twists her ass hair and it traps you then she pretends she has an itch and scratches it with

You wake up in pain as your mom scratches her anus with her nails then she said "I wonder where jake is" then you yell up "MOM, MOM I AM IN YOUR ASS PLEASE HELP MOOOM HELP MO-" is what you scream before she farts and you fly out her ass and swim to her front where you are about to scream when you hear her whisper " he's going to love that in my ass ooh I feel another one" unaware her son wasn't in her ass anymore you make your way to the edge and climb out suddenly you look up and see then her tits smash into you and you are sitting on her nipple then she gets to her room and sits down the reaches behind her and didn't feel you then she saw you behind her ass and said "morning son, you go see Amanda ok" then you left her room and reach Amanda's room then you climb up on her bed and walk forward then you see she's awake but doesn't see you then you shout to her she looks down and...
May 12, 2023