Help me do the laundry
A Tiny Child Chapter 4
· original author:
right you get the dirty clothes and bring them to the bottom of the stairs and I will tell our new maid Mellissa to load them into the machine she says before leaving to go to the door to welcome Mellissa in , as she does this you start throwing your sisters dirty clothes down the stairs then your mom points and Mellissa sees the pile of dirty underwear and says your mom says "I'll be back in a few minutes, you go get my laundry Mellissa will know when you're finished because she'll see because you'll put my hot pink thong on top", then she leaves and goes out the door after about an hour you have put all but one thong on the pile you finally place the final thong on the pile as you drag it over your head and onto the top of the pile just as you were about to get out from inside your mom's favourite thong you trip and end up falling face fist into some shit your mom left behind for you then you see Mellissa enter she looks down doesn't see you but sees and she said "thank you young master" then she scooped up all the clothes and you and started to walk into the kitchen then you got your foot free and jumped and landed in between and noticed it was very tight and you couldn't move then your mom comes in and stops Mellissa saying check every piece of clothing I forgot to tell you my son is 1cm tall, oh and once you're done go to my room it needs tidying" Mellissa nodded and went back to washing then she saw a bug in her cleavage and took you out then looked out you and said "oh young master have this" she then injected toy with a serum that made you grow to two inches and that also made you malleable you said "thank you Mellissa" she then said "well I have got to clean up your mom's room want to sit on the bed and watch me" you reply with a "yes" then she takes you to the bedroom and placed you on the bed and you see she has on as she cleans the dresser you want to touch the silk as you walk towards it you see 2 huge orbs they were so oiled it was making them slippery then she stood up and said "is there anywhere I haven't cleaned yet" you say "under the bed and in the closet" then Mellissa gets on all fours and crawls under the bed until you see the top of her crack directly below you suddenly a gust of wind appears from the open window and you fall down into her crack but manage to hold on to the outside of her thong then after half an hour she stood up closing you from the world and said "young master where are you" she then felt slight vibrations in her ass and picked you out and then you explain how the wind knocked you off and into her ass,
soon your mom came home to find you at the height of 2 inches and she said "son is that really you how? why? what?" she said " mom calm now Mellissa gave me this serum that made me indestructible and 2 inches tall and it feels great!" you say then your mother turns to Mellissa and said "how would you like to be a full time maid, you'll live, eat sleep and work her from now on" Mellissa's face lit up and she said "yes ma'am thank you for this opportunity" then she asked which room was hers you perk up and say "we do have a guest room that is free, right mom" your mother nods and after everyone ate your mother went upstairs to think you walked over to Mellissa who was turning the radio on loud she then started the washing up but not looking where she put the sponge you pick up the sponge and say "I'm to your left and I have the sponge" then you see a giant hand in a washing glove grab you and Mellissa said "thank you now go watch TV we don't want you getting hurt" with that she grabbed the first plate that still had left over spaghetti bolognaise on it and scrubbed you into it eventually getting it clean then after 2 more plates she grabbed the pan and scrubbed it with you as she dances to the music then she puts down the sponge (you) and then placed a tray temporarily on you then she added some plates and then took off the tray leaving you in a square shape she the grabbed "the towel" aka, you and dried the dishes with you the she dried her hands and looked down and saw you after a few minutes she apologised and asked "why were you flat like that?" you then say " well I was holding the sponge for you but you grabbed me and used me to scrub the plates then you placed a tray on me and applied weight next thing I know is I'm being used as a towel" then a few more minutes go by and you are back to being 2 inches tall then she takes you to your mom and she says "honey would you rather sleep with me or Mellissa tonight then you say her" then Mellissa leaves and your mother puts on and also she then tells you to get naked and then the both of you slept without covers....
May 12, 2023
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