deep in her ass crack
A Tiny Child Chapter 9
· original author:
you realise you have come off upside down with you legs either side of her anus the you notice you're completely stuck, then the water turns off then you see a towel emerge and you guessed he was drying off she hand no idea her brother was in then she stood up and planted her ass on the toilet and shitted you saw the logs barely dangle away from you then she wiped her ass and the shitty toilet paper wiped on you and you gagged then you scream " DON'T STAND UP I AM IN YOUR ASS DON'T PUT ON UNDERWEAR" but no avail as your sister stood up and sat on the bed then you grab the covers and soon she stood up and you were pulled out her crack and was left on the bed then you see your sister laying on her bed on her side what to do...
May 12, 2023