she crosses her legs you get trapped in her thi...
A Tiny Child Chapter 11
· original author:
her pink juicy pussy put you in a trance, suddenly you hear her let out a huge sigh then you were forcefully bent over as her left leg crossed her right one, and of course she was unaware you stayed like that for hours trapped by the unaware maid as you realise Mellissa is asleep and of course she was sweating, just then your mom walks in, thankfully you were easily visible, your mom looked at "you" (she was looking at Mellissa's extremely smooth legs) she then walked up to the sleeping maid and put a blanket over her legs covering you, all you see is after hours of being in that position Mellissa moved her legs back into the original position and allowed you to escape just as you do that you run out of the blanket you run into your mom's room but trip and fall in that is when you look up and see heading straight for you, you try to move out the way but your leg gets caught and the rest of your body is on her right ass cheek, you thought you were safe until your mom put on you manage to get your leg free and begin to fall but are caught and plastered on her right ass cheek, then she put on it covered you and stopped all movement then you get pushed more into your mom's ass for a few seconds as your mom slapped her ass looking in the mirror thinking how sexy she was, then she walked to her car the latex rubbed against you it was painful then a ton of weight was put on you as your mom jumped into her car, making you sink into her ass, after 3 hours of work you see light as your mom feels discomfort in her ass, unfortunately there was no mirrors and she ran her hand over her ass but not felling anything, you then realised you must of sank so far into her ass you were now level with it, soon you were home and your mom got naked and lied on her front on the sofa soon you pop off her ass and run to her face by her left side, you were so close but stop as you hear a noise she farted and then you see her rise and move a little bit to the left and then dropped, you look up to see as they flatten you, then you hear a moan and then hear your mom say "I wonder if my son is on my tit, humph probably not, i need to sleep" with that she fell into a deep sleep and eventually slept on her back, soon you pop off her tit and run to the end of the bed just as Amanda walked in...
May 12, 2023