You are on her ass as she puts on skin tight le...
A Tiny Child Chapter 11
· original author:
you are stuck to your sister's ass then you feel pain as your sister bends over then she pulls up you watch it crawl it's way up your sister but stop at her ass she struggles to get it over her ass and it bounces her ass and you , just then it slides over her ass encasing you, then you realise your body must be showing, Amanda saw this and took you out then she apologised and you ran off, then Amanda leaves, and you find Melissa sleeping tits up on the sofa wearing you manage to climb the sofa at her legs, suddenly your mom comes in and if she saw you next to sleeping Mellissa she would get the wrong idea, so you run into Mellissa's uniform and you see she's wearing then your mom drops a pen and it lands next to you, then you see your mom's hand enter in search for the pen, so you try to run but your mom grabs the pen and you, squeezing and moulding you into a grip at the rear of the pen, then your mom walks off and continues writing, shaking you up, soon she has to rethink and she puts the end of the pen in her mouth, your form can feel the heat off your mom's mouth, after 3 hours of her writing she put the pen down and went to sleep, in the morning you are off the pen and reformed, then you walk along the kitchen floor, when suddenly Amanda walks in completely naked and still half asleep and trips over and you get flattened to

The whole day she, and everyone was unaware of you being stuck on your sister's tit...
May 12, 2023