you jump off and get stepped on by the maid'...
A Tiny Child Chapter 8
· original author:
You jump off the chair right before you get crushed under as the maid stepped on you then she walks around the hole house crushing you into her shoe then after 3 hours she laid on her bed face down and soon you popped off her heel suddenly in walks your mom then you looked down and saw you were in her favourite thong then she grabbed the thong and put it on with you in her ass then she yanked it all the way up then she let go wet farts right on top of you then she walked to her exercise bike and sat down then she grinded her ass on the seat and exercised for 5 hours then she removed her thong and saw you in them then she gasped and laid you down then used her pink glossy lips to blow air inside of you then she picked you up but had no pockets then she put you inside her naked tit only your head was sticking out then she went to her bedroom and took you out then she laid on her bead with you between her legs in front of her she was looking at you.

You wake up feeling intense heat from something you look up and see your mom's pussy then she says "hi hun it's 10:00pm I'm heading to sleep, do what you want just don't get hurt" with that she laid on her back fully steamrolling your lower half under her pussy soon you manage to get free, so you run up to your mom's and kiss it only to find your face is now stuck to her bottom lip you stay like that for 10 hours then she finally wakes up and wipes her mouth then you go with her hand, (your hands still sticky) as she walks to the mirror not seeing you on her ass scratches it leaving you on her ass you are stuck to her right ass cheek then she walks in to the kitchen then hears Amanda says "hey mom, hey bro" "bro, where's your brother" "on your ass cheek" then she picks you off her ass and places you at the table then Mellissa brings breakfast it was pancakes she then sat down her ass jiggled as she did then everyone grabbed 3 pancakes then there were three pancakes left then your mom puts the 3 pancakes on your plate then you eat them then Mellissa collects the plates but doesn't see you on your plate as she puts her,Amanda's and your mom's plate and put them on top of you
and then took all the plates to the sink and compressed them as she walked then you get washed up and then you're left to drain finally you fall off still soapy then your mom walks in only wearing then you fall down onto her thong and inside her ass then she says "My ass feels soapy today" then she puts her thong back on and presses her ass cheeks together then she walked to the bathroom with you cleaning her anus then she bent over in front of a mirror dropped her thong and saw your soapy from then she took you out, washed you placed you on the counter as she shat on the toilet and asked "why were you in my ass and soapy son?" then you shout to her "MOM I WAS EATING MY PANCAKES THEN MELLISSA PUT 3 PLATES ON TOP OF ME THEN SHE WASHED ME UP AND THEN LET ME DRAIN THEN YOU KNOCKED THE COUNTER AND I FELL IN YOUR ASS" all of the sudden you feel lightheaded and fell unconscious into the toilet water below then your mom picked you out and put you in her purse then she got dressed and grabbed her purse and went to Elizabeth office where you got a scan and then Elizabeth returns with your results and said "Jake you need a lot more sugar otherwise you will keep collapsing and soon you could get sat on" "oh and Carolyn have jake wear this it's a suit that has a tracker o it , and use this device to find him it can survive a nuclear bomb right on top of it so you'll be safe Jake" then you put on the suit it's very comfortable then Elizabeth says "ok now Carolyn put jake in side your ass and drive home making sure yo make it as bumpy as possible then take him out after 3 hours then ask him how it was" Elizabeth was unaware how hot, sweaty, and oily her ass was then your mom drops her thong and opens her ass cheeks and pushes you in deep then you see her anus and get shoved towards it as she puts on her thong and yoga pants then she left, you weren't hurt it was relaxing except you were covered in her hot, sweaty and oily ass it smelt awful then as she got in her car and more pressure was on you then you heard her say "huh so these sweets Elizabeth gave me are meant to make the ride home more fun huh" she then swallows all of them and then she farts over and over all the 3 hour long drive then she got home and sat at home in just in her thong on her bed then after six hours in your mom's ass she takes you out and said "how was it" "comfy but your ass it too hot, sweaty and oily, and you farted on me several times" then your mom says "it turns out the sweets Elizabeth game me were laxatives" then she laid you in her bed next to you and went to sleep...
May 12, 2023
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