mom and her comfy ass
A Tiny Child Chapter 5
· original author:
during the night your mom to roll, just then you wake up to see and scream "HOLY SHIT MOM NO" but it was to late as your mom's naked ass slammed down on you soon though she rolled on her front and started waking up, she then walked out of her room unaware she'd taken her son with her just then you see Mellissa's door open to reveal her she then looks at you and says "Miss" your mom turns around "young master is stuck to your but, hold still" then Mellissa grabs you off your prison and you thanked her then you went downstairs ready for breakfast as Mellissa was making the breakfast you sat on a tall chair completely unaware that your mom was about to sit there you look up to see then your mother sits down and her pussy covers half of you, then you feel the heat off her pussy and shout "MOM LOOK DOWN HELP ME" your mother looks down frees you and places you on the table suddenly a giantess appeared naked in another seat stretching and saying good morning you two...three?" then she looked at you and you waved then all four of you ate breakfast then you and your mom go up stairs she places you on the counter as she had diarrhoea then she was about to wipe her ass but there wasn't any toilet paper so she asked if you could get some sheets for her lay them out and shout done then back away, then you found ten sheets and hauled them upstairs without incident then you begin laying them out and you say "mom" however your mom thought you said "done" then she grabbed the toilet paper and you then she wiped her ass with you and released the toilet paper however you were stuck to her her anus then she flushes and stands up and then she runs a bath the gets in, the water frees and cleans you then you see something beautiful as she reaches for something then she goes to sleep and you swim onto her stomach, to your left her and to your right but before you can decide Mellissa walks in naked and you see her body it's amazing as she sat on the toilet then you say "Mellissa can you take me with you whilst you clean today" then she nods and takes you out the bath then she got into she then said "sir i have no pockets" then you say pull back your thong as she does this you climb in and then you say release you go deep in her crack and she feels you then she walks out but then she heard you say "this hurts pull back you thong again" you reach for the thong and grab it in time then she plucks you out of her ass and places you deep in her cleavage you barely have light until she adjusts her bra and then it's total darkness but with each step you bounce with her....
May 12, 2023
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