stuck to the maids ass
A Tiny Child Chapter 10
· original author:
it happened in ten seconds Mellissa barged in locked the door dropped her thong and smashed her giant bubble butt directly on top of you she then lets out a sigh as she pisses for around 10 minutes then she wiped her vagina stood up and put her tight thong on, you were stuck to her right ass cheek, you thought someone would notice you but then her uniform drapes over you hiding you from the outside world then she walked off eventually you fall of her ass and onto your mom's bed she's laying on her back and you fall between then she rolls over and her left tit crushes you as she is in a deep sleep soon she rolls back and you escape before she rolls on to her right side then you walk near her ass but turned to run and you jump off her bed and you land on your back, then a shadow appeared over you as your mom rolled to far and rolled off the bed and her left cheek landed on you and she heard a "MOM NOOOOOOOOOOOO" before there was silence then she pealed you off her ass then she took you to the kitchen bathroom where she said "I'm going out with the girls tonight and I need to get ready, can you help" you nod then she says I need help with...
May 12, 2023