paint you the colour of Mellissa's bra cup ...
A Tiny Child Chapter 11
· original author:
Your mom paints you purple like the inside of Mellissa's bra, as she's doing that Mellissa is having a shower, you then lay in the bra cup and your mom runs out of the room to act normal, soon you see Mellissa enter completely naked then she looks down at the bra and picks it up and puts it on, you have plenty of space and were about to fondle the maid when you get pushed into her huge tits, she then says I wonder how tight this bra can go, soon you were in complete darkness then you hear her say "there now where's my tight top" with that she finished getting ready, your mom was so excited she had no clue the torture you were going through soon she got a call and you slipped her mind, Mellissa then sat on the sofa and soon your mom joined her completely forgetting about you, then she looks at Mellissa's breasts and then she fondles them and putting more pressure on you.

You spent hours pressed against Mellissa's tit when suddenly you are free and you land on her bed soon you run out to yell at your mom for leaving you then you see her sat with her back to you wearing striped panties she also has headphones on and you are right next to her ass suddenly she pulls back her panties and with her other hand pushes you in and scratching you against her cheeks then she released her panties trapping you in your mom's ass...
May 12, 2023