In search of her son
A Tiny Child Chapter 6
· original author:
"Nooo!!!" Carolyn bolted out loudly to Amanda. Amanda was only a little surprised by her mother's outburst. She usually panicked or freaked out when things like this happened.

"Amanda, we have to find him now!! I am going to check his bedroom, you go check the bathroom!!"

With that, Amanda and you watched your mother storm off, her bouncy breasts and butt with her. You scratched your head in shock. How would anyone find you know? You'd have to wait until lunch or something and then get their attentions while you were on the table. Either that, or maybe they'd find you earlier than that, but you didn't know.

Amanda put her hands on her hips, annoyed by the events of the day.

"Well, I don't care where Jake is!! I am going to enjoy my breakfast and then figure this all out later!!"

With that, she sat back down at her plate and began eating the food. This was your chance. If you could traverse your way past your mom's plate and the food in the middle. . .you'd be home free. You'd get Amanda's help and everything would be well again.


You covered your ears as you heard your mother scream at the top of your lungs. Amanda was a bit surprised too. "Oh man, mom!! She needs to relax. He's probably stuck on her body somewhere, bouncing back and forth on her skin!! That is where she should have checked first!!" Your giant sister said as she put another fork into her mouth. The irony was, that she was usually right about these circumstances. It only happened to be that in this case, you were with her the entire time. After a bit more walking, you finally got off of your mother's plate. You took a few bites of her food too, for some energy. Although, if she had noticed, she probably wouldn't be too happy. You began to make your way towards the center and around the leftover food.

Amanda was getting close to being done with her meal. This wasn't good for you. If she finished before you could get over there, then how would you find. .

"AMANDA!!" Your mother's booming voice echoed throughout the house. Amanda got up quick, leaving her unfinished meal right before you.

"Oh man. . MOM!! I CHECKED THE BATHROOM!!! I DIDN'T SEE HIM THERE!!" She lied, although in this instance, she was right. You were not there at all. She left to go talk to your mother as you finally made it to her plate. Your stomach growled a little. You were still a bit hungry. Amanda would be gone for a bit, maybe you could sneak a few bites of her meal before she returned.
May 12, 2023
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