Onto the table!!
A Tiny Child Chapter 5
· original author:
You feel yourself spinning, your head fuming uncontrollably. Normally, when you get flung somewhere, you can at least figure out the general direction you were going. With this, you had no idea where you were going!!


You realized that you had been hurled by your mother's robe. Interestingly enough, you were still holding onto a piece of string from it too, though you doubt it would be of much use. Spinning still, you found yourself set on the table, in front of your mother's plate. Grasping onto your head, you tried futilely to stop all the spinning.

Amanda was still in a death grip hug, only this time, she had gotten her face away.

"We just have to look!! It won't take long at all, and he will be here. Besides. . . "

You watched in awe of your mother's massive size compared to your sister's much shorter height. Even if you were normal size, your mom was a true giantess!! It was remarkable to see these two giantess' from this height!!

Your sister coughed, vigorously as her body struggled to hold in the air in her body. She had to get her mom to relax about this, or she'd be hurt. Thinking fast, Amanda needed something to get her mom's mind off of where you could be at. Looking around, she noticed her eggs.

"M-mom. . your eggs. They. .they are getting cold. Maybe, you should eat them first."

Your mother released her prisoner from her grasp and looked at her seriously. Neither of you could figure out exactly what she was thinking. She was so frivolous with her emotions, you didn't know.
May 12, 2023
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