Searching for the little one.
A Tiny Child Chapter 4
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You screamed as you flew high up into the air as Carolyn's massive foot slammed you upward. Your mother was wheezing and making strange sounds as she was freaking out about where you could possibly be at.


You land on the top part of your mother's foot just as it is rising again. This time, you were part of the decline and went up only a little bit before she knocked you high into the air again!!


Thinking quickly, you grasped onto the bottom part of your mother's robe as she continued to stomp back and forth.

"Mom!! Relax!!"

Amanda raised her hand to Carolyn as she fretted and worried.

"We will find him, you probably left him in his room or at the bathroom again. You've done it like a million times!!"

Carolyn took a deep breath and realized that she had accidentally undid the front of her robe in her panicking. She rewrapped the robe around her as she let herself calm down.

You were thrust towards the side of your mother's massive hip. You weren't at her butt completely, but you were more to the side. Above you, another part of your mother's robe concealed you. This would make it difficult for her to see you, but also make it possible for you to climb back up. You just needed to be careful not to fall down or get crushed in the process.

Suddenly, everything started to shake vigorously and a loud moaning could be heard overhead. Your mother was. . .crying.

"Waaaahhh!!! W-what. . w-what if we don't find him. . .o-or. . w-what if. . w-what if he got stepped on!!! I could. . c-could never forgive. . . Aaaaaahhhh!!!"

Tears flowed down your mother's cheek as she was visibly shaking uncontrollably at the prospect of your loss and possible demise. This was making it more difficult for you, as you were having a hard time from falling down. From this height, you were not sure if you would be okay. You knew that falls weren't always fatal for you, due to your tiny bodies lack of air resistance, but at the same time. . .getting stomped would not be good..

Amanda walked around the table and put her hands around your mother and began consol her.

"Mom!!! It is okay. . we'll find him!! I prom-"

Your sister was interuptted as your mother grabbed onto Amanda and pulled her in hard!! She began to motorboat your sister's face into her massive breasts as Amanda flailed her arms back and forth, struggling to breathe.

"Mmmmm. . . ooommm. . "

Amanda struggled to get her to relax.

The top part of Carolyn's robe got pulled back from the crying and reopened too!!! You felt yourself flying through the air, your grip lost once more!!
May 12, 2023
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