Sabotage a Plotline
A Tiny Child Chapter 8
Not that he's already sabotaged his own plotlines well enough. One such sabotage is where the main character is revealed to be reading his own interactive, which began some very strange convolutions of the fourth wall when he developed enmity with the author and began adding chapters to the story. This is further confused by the fact that the main character is a surrogate to the author and the audience.

The story was also destroyed by that strange, half-mad moral intrusion on the part of the author, giving Carolyn a very long speech to Jake that you definitely didn't read which transitioned into the author himself speaking. Or something. It was very odd.

And then there's that very odd part at the doctor's office when the main character starts fighting the mysterious out-of-nowhere "OP," and then Margaret Thatcher and Pink Floyd come in, and.... You can't really wrap your head around why the author would do that. He didn't do it alone, of course, but that doesn't excuse it.

You've made up your mind. So YellowBlack has a death-wish for his own interactive? Well... You'll gladly be of assistance.

Ah, you know exactly what to do.

Let's add a chapter to the middle, since he's already fucked up stuff around the beginning and end.

May 12, 2023
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