"You're grounded, young man!"
A Tiny Child Chapter 4
She compensated for her flustered response by yelling at you.
"How could you, Jake!? How rude! How - disgusting! That you were between my... Without even trying to get my attention! Did you WANT to be there!? You should see a psychologist! You sick child!"
She squeezes you between her fingers. you feel like a grape - about to burst, and, at the same time, you are melting away at Carolyn's rage, unable to speak a word in your defense.
Amanda feels both afraid of your mother and sympathetic for you. Carolyn's only slightly coherent harangue has silenced her giggling fit, and she stares with wide eyes at the new devil.

"Jake... You are GROUNDED. And FORGET about breakfast!" She yells. Still gripping you like a clamp, she stomps upstairs and into your closet, and only just barely restrains herself from slamming you down onto your dresser.

She slams the door, and huffs away.
May 12, 2023
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