Beaten and Abused
Cursed To Shrink Chapter 7

You tell yourself she'll recognize you eventually, you didn't have to move just yet. This was a lie. In Ellie's frantic attacks, there was no chance she'd somehow pause and think before killing the tiny creature on her hoodie. Caught up in your delusions, you don't notice her fingers coming straight for you until they swipe you off onto the ground. 


You land hard on your back onto the grainy texture of the valley-like space between the kitchen tiles. Ellie's gargantuan feet are on either side of you, stomping up a storm. Ellie pauses for a moment, probably having felt the collision with her fingers, and then begins to scan the floor for any traces of you. 


Helplessly, your heart falls into your stomach as her eyes lock onto you for the second time. "There you are you little shit!" Ellie raises her foot and stomps on you like any other bug.


The weight of the world lands on you, but rather than popping from the pressure, you manage to survive in the claustrophobic space between the valley and the bottom of Ellie's foot. Smashed relentlessly into the ground, your face is buried into the moist fabric, the little air you have access to is heavily tainted coming from within the depths of Ellie's sock. You feel like you are suffocating under her weight and just before you do, the foot releases its pressure as Ellie examines her handywork. 


A frown falls over her face, your body is still intact and not mangled in the fabric of her sock as she had expected. "Tough little guy huh? Well, there's more where that came from!" Ellie doubles her efforts, twisting her foot so that her toes are dangling over your head, ready to grind you into dust. 


Ellie's big toe crushes half of your body instantly under its mass. the valley doesn't save you this time and the rough texture under you acts like sandpaper as Ellie's foot begins dragging you back and forth against it. With one arm caught under her, you use your other to thrash and pound on her toe. Ellie only smiles sinisterly above, slowly she creeps her toe further up covering more and more of your body under it. By the time it reaches your face, Ellie pauses and rubs what's left of you under and between her toes, toying with you. "This is where you disgusting bugs belong, right under my big, scary feet!" 




Frank's shout catches her off guard, Ellie's feet pause for a moment, her toes resting on your head depriving you of oxygen. With so few options left, you resort to the last thing you can think of. You open your mouth and start to bite and gnaw on the bottom of Ellie's sock. The awful taste withers your small tongue and the smell of foot odor dominates your senses but maybe you'll break through the fabric and deal some damage back to this evil bitch!


 "C'mon girl, stop torturing the damn bug and just kill it already". Frank's dissatisfaction carries little weight as Ellie positions herself for the final blow. The type lifts off of you and hangs in the air ominously above you. The majority of your body has been torn to shreds, you can't escape her foot much less the locker-room smell wafting off of it.

"Fucking disgusting..." 


Ellie mutters under her breath, her toe drops down like a guillotine onto your head and smears it across the tile. You don't even process the blow...

November 25
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