As Abigail opens and enters the house, you get a first glimpse of its interior: is fairly "small" yet well distributed, with a big living room right beside the kitchen; you could see a hallway beyond, but currently ignorant of what lay on it. However, the most important sight was the giantess standing in the kitchen, preparing what seemed like lunch for the house behind a small table that hid most of her lower body, only allowing you to see from the chest up.


She had long blonde hair and blue eyes, with fair skin, and was currently wearing an apron on top of a beautiful long dress; clearly, she was Abigail's mother. The woman stops her work, as she looks towards the newcomer. She smiles in a motherly fashion, and she says:

"Well well, Abigail you returned rather soon, and quite excited I see! Tell me, did you succeed in what you were looking for?"

Abigail rushes towards the woman for an excited and emotional hug with her progenitor. Whiles at it, she replies:

"Yes, I certainly did Mom! Look here, this is Paul, my boyfriend!"

As she says these final words, she slightly pulls back, allowing you and the older woman to finally look at each other.


The woman looks down into her daughter's hand, and with the same calm smile, she says:

"Hold on a bit dear; I know what you wanted when you asked for my permission to buy a tiny, but still, this is not a matter to decide on your own. Young man, please tell me: did you agree to become my daughter's companion? Or perhaps she...unintentionally coaxed you into the position? After all, you've just arrived in our world, and still need time to adjust properly: an energetic local could perfectly influence your decisions for their desires even if isn't something they purposely seek to do."


As she spoke, you could sense that there was little criticism for her daughter's actions: maybe due to how rushed this situation was. No, you could sense that this woman was primarily focused on your well-being, trying to find out if you wanted this. Thankfully for all involved, there was no issue at all.

You reply:

"Most certainly, madam! I not only wanted to be treated as a person by your kind, but also if possible the chance of finding love, something that your daughter is eager to provide me with. This decision was made with our mutual agreement and desire. Besides, who couldn't fall in love with such an energetic girl? Her excitement is so contagious, hehe!"

Abigail just blushes deeply, before immediately bringing you to her face to start rubbing you passionately against her cheek. You start to hug her in return while looking with a happy face at your mother-in-law.


The woman giggles, before saying:

"My daughter is so lucky: to have been able to meet such a young and compatible man on the first try. I can see why she's soo happy today; I mean, she's happy every day, but today is especially notorious, hehe. Now...I know you very well daughter, so you must be eager to at the very least show your partner your common bedroom. So off you go; I'll let you know later when lunch is ready."

Abigail just couldn't help but shriek excitedly: her mum didn't hesitate one second to allow her and her boyfriend some time for themselves before a proper introduction to the family. She went for another hug, while she said:

"Thanks, Mom! I love you so much!"

"Hehe, I know you do, dear!" replied the woman, while gently patting her offspring's head.

Once this second hug ended, your mother-in-law focused again her attention on you, saying:

"Now, I wish you good times as part of the family, Mister Paul. And I wish you luck: my daughter's energy is endless, not to mention that she can be quite ingenious regarding her...ideas, hehe."

"Counting on it, madam. Now, before we go, I would love to know your name, as to make it easier for future interactions," you replied, smiling as you asked for that essential tidbit of information.

"Name's Addison. Now, go: your darling can't just wait for what she has planned with you!" the woman replied, before playfully waving you both out.


Then your girlfriend made a small yet energic bow, before departing with her usual overflowing energy up the stairs, straight towards her room, where she had plans with you.

As for Addison, she couldn't help but smile with pride, and after seeing her daughter disappear up the second floor of the house (where all the bedrooms of the family were located), she spoke her thoughts outloud, while rubbing her pregnant tummy:

"There goes our second eldest, already with a loving and worthy partner, perfect for her, and in but a year before she finishes High School and goes to College...sigh, to me it was like yesterday the day where I once nursed her, with you and our eldest child but a few years older...lovely memories. Now, it's getting closer the moment our current youngest becomes a big sister, so we get to experience those moments in such a similar fashion yet again, isn't that right, honey?" 

When she speaks these final words, she looks back towards her rear...and the small pleasant movements and actions she feels soon after telling her that her beloved husband more than agrees with her assessment.



Abigail rushes towards one particular door, and after opening and entering the room inside, she rises you up, to give you a better look. She then says:

"Welcome darling, to our bedroom! Hope that you grew to love it as much as you love me!"

You nod and immediately start to look around, wanting to get to know more about your girlfriend with the way she lives here, in the most private of places a couple would ever have...

However, does Abigail give you all the time you might need to get a good assessment of her place? Or perhaps she can't just...hold her urges to try getting you in the bed with her?

June 11, 2023
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