Hiperboria, the universe of Giantesses

As she explained to you, the situation you find yourself in follows: you find yourself in Hiperboria, a Planet located in a different universe from your native one. The hyperboreans are a highly technologically advanced civilization, similar to humans from your home world. However, several centuries ago a Massive world war occurred, whose main consequence was the complete and utter eradication of all males of their species, a matter that drove the remaining hyperboreans to attempt several ways to ensure their species' long-term survival. Top one of them was the dimensional machines, which allowed to bring forth objects and living creatures from other universes. Is unknown if it was accidental or not, but after finding males of a species that was compatible with them, they were brought home...only to realize that these males were way smaller than themselves. However, by the time the technology improved enough to allow to find compatible, same-size males the culture of having smaller partners had quickly become widespread. Combined with the fact that all children born from such unions were females, eventually, the attempts to bring similar size males were abandoned. However, not all was good and dandy: the inherent superiority that females would have over their smaller partners led to some developing "superiority complexes", treating their males as disposable sex slaves. Other females, on the contrary, ended up developing "maternal complexes", viewing the smaller males as cute pets to take good care of (even if said males would prefer a higher degree of personal freedom). These differences in treatment, combined with the fact that the technology had become too widespread led in many occasions to conflicts, and there were even some wars regarding the matter of how the new males of their kind should be treated like. There was also the matter that not all males took kindly to being taken from their homes, so there were issues like that.

At the end of the last "Tinies Right War", the main solution was to legally requisition all the dimensional devices, which would then be only controlled by them and a few select companies that were allowed to make their business to summon and sell the tinies; all the while, the restrictions regarding which kind of tinies to bring were a lot tighter than before; now, only males that would be eager to start a relationship with a giantess were to be summoned.


As she gets closer to the door of her office, you sigh a little, and speak:

"So...in summary: I was summoned here due to my condition as a size fetishist, to become the property of one of your company's customers."

"Correct, although the term "property" is not correct in many cases: many women prefer to treat their new partners with respect and as equals. Of course, others prefer to go one extreme or the other; we at Tiny Summoning Inc. don't judge!"

"...ok, so...who is my new owner?" you speak, in a slightly sad tone. Sure, on the one hand, this is great, for you always wanted to interact with a giantess, especially a gorgeous one. But on the other...you would have always fantasized that it was on your terms, and as you currently stand, that choice is out of your hands...


The woman starts laughing before she replies:

"Don't you worry! We don't work like that (and I doubt any of the other companies work that way, as far as I'm aware); sending unprepared, unmotivated males to serve any woman who just paid the price tag, is preposterous! No, here we let the tinies choose who is going to become their owner/partner/master or whatever term is the preference of relationship the individual male expects to develop! That way we also ensure that all our customers are more than willing to pay the fair price required; time is valuable after all, not to mention that the machines even to this day are not exactly cheap to run; they demand energy like starving bears!"


That information immediately lifts your spirit and provokes you to say:

"Wait, I'm the one who gets to choose which gorgeous giantess gets to have me? Sweet!"

"Hahaha, I knew that you were going to become excited once you learn of that, mister. We made quite a thorough research into your personality and life before bringing you here, so we became aware of the "terms" you would prefer before getting to meet any potential customers."

"That sounds a bit...sketchy...can you explain to me how did you get to learn of that?" you say, feeling a bit nervous and embarrassed that somehow beings from another universe get to learn so much about you.

"No...Perhaps someday? Hehehhe..." the woman giggles while replying in a humorous tone.


You don't know why, but that reply calms you down, a little perhaps...not to mention that since she works here, and she spoke that she was well paid, it was unlikely for her to reveal the origin of such information, especially considering that even if you knew how it wasn't going to change anything, now that you were here.

Yet, as she gets closer to a massive desk and chair, which contrast with their white her black suit, you ask the giantess:

"Hey, just in case...I thank you for giving me the chance to get to live my fantasy for real, and to choose whoever might end up living alongside me here but...what if doesn't work? Could you....return me home?"

"Don't worry! If you had truly been one of the first tinies that would be impossible, but the technology right now is advanced enough to allow for bidirectional travel. So, in the extremely unlikely case of none of our customers meeting your standards, we would return you to your home universe, both as compensation as well as a way to get rid of unbought stocks...sorry, that last comment might be offensive to many." she replies, in a happy tone, before covering her mouth when she realized her mistake.


"Hey, none was taken from my part! You're just doing your job, and honestly, even though I'm technically a company "product", I can see that you genuinely have done your best to treat me well. Just in case...is it legal for company workers to buy their products? You are both nice and very good-looking." you reply, blushing a bit as you reveal some of your feelings regarding the woman.

She blushes, for it's the first time that any tinies had even considered her. Still, she manages to calm down enough to reply:

"Well...it's unusual, but no rules go against it. Still, right now I'm not in the mood for taking care of a tiny, but who knows? Maybe I change my mind, and gladly accept your offer, mister!"

"Good enough for me! Now, is there any specific reason as to why you brought me here?" you ask in a happy, then curious tone, as the woman finally seats, before gently leaving you on top of her desk.


"Well, not much other than is customary for workers to deliver the "paper" to new tinies while allowing them to get more accustomed to interacting in their new environment," she replies while delivering a massive sheet of paper right in front of you.

You start to read it and after a few seconds you speak to the giantess, in a surprised tone:

"This...this is a preferences sheet?"

"Indeed. Sure, we could use a computer for that matter, but we have found that many tinies prefer this that answer this little sheet like this rather than on a screen. Of course, just tell me, and I will boot up the PC." she replies, before pointing to a small desk nearby, that you didn't notice among all the other colossal stuff that was laying around

"Not necessary, this is good enough," you say, feeling comfortable enough to read this, even if it takes a bit of effort due to the size of the sheet.

Regardless, you end up reading it entirely, and after she brought you a small pen suited to your size, you started to check what kind of giantess you would prefer to interact with.

April 29, 2023
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