To be an equal to your giantess, with potential as lovers is your goal here

As you consider all traits that you would prefer the giantess that is going to own you possess, one above all quickly rises to become predominant in your mind: the potential as equals, and the chance for love.

For you have always wanted to develop a relationship with a woman, yet for one reason or another all your previous attempts ended up badly. However, none of them ever disheartened from trying again, and perhaps this chance can prove to be the best you've ever got. Not to mention it would make the times the two of you have sex to be quite a lot more hotter.

You make sure to emphasize that point in the sheet, and once you make clear you're done, the office lady picks it up, and after reading it, she smiles.

"To be treated as an equals, with a chance for love and relationship. My my, it seems that I summoned quite the romantic over here," she says in a teasing tone.

"Well, romantic or not, from my perspective it is the soundest option; I wish to live as close as possible to what I used to live back in my home," you reply, just stating the facts (while trying to hide how excited you're for this chance).


The woman just smiles, before asking:

"Now, before I prepare this, is there any other requirement to bear into consideration when looking for clients that meet your criteria? Age for example?"

"Well, so long as she is old enough to be considered an independent adult, and she good care of her body, I'm very much pretty open to whoever might come," you reply, stating the other major requirements that you considered important before this.


The woman nods, agreeing with your choices, before typing the results into the computer. She then brings her hand once again to your side, while saying:

"Now, it's going to take at least a few hours, so take the chance to rest or just to read. I and the rest of the workers will be ready to help whoever we can."

You climb up, nodding as thanks.


You once again find yourself walking across the corridor, returning to your little room. You manage to see now that there is another giantess, checking upon other rooms, with occupants of their own. As you notice that all tend to use similar black suits, a question immediately pops into your head. But before you can utter it, the giantess speaks, saying:

"My name is Isabella; say it to the intercom array at the edge of your bed, and I'll come to aid you."

"Good to the way, you can read minds all the time? How does that work?" you ask her, curious as to how exactly Isabella's mind-reading ability functions.

"Well, first off, I need to be in direct physical contact with whoever I want to read their minds off, and second...It's customary for people like me to only use it if need be; some measure of privacy of the thoughts of those under our care is to be preserved. So don't worry, many of your thoughts remain private to you alone still."

she replies, explaining the main factor behind her ability.


So, she can read your mind only if she's in direct physical contact and purposely lets you have privacy with most of your thoughts. That makes you happy.


As she arrives back above your room and leaves there, you managed to ask one final question:

"Hey, how does the buying process work here? You find the client and just let them "buy" me? I ask because you implied before that the buying process isn't immediate."

"Indeed. Technically, the customer is going to rent you first, for up to three months, before she's allowed to consider keeping you permanently. This also requires your consent." she explains.

"Ok, thanks for letting me know. And can I count to return here if things failed to work?"

Isabella just nods, which provokes a smile out of you: good, you've everything to gain, and nothing to lose.

After waiting for you to make yourself comfortable, Isabella waves goodbye, as she tells you she has other matters to attend to. You're left to rest in your bed, and since you are in the mood for relaxing, you decide to nap. It doesn't take long for you to be sleeping soundly, waiting until Isabella comes to deliver you to your giantess.


April 29, 2023
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