A soft and gentle touch wakes you up, as Isabella's fingertips probe you gently to wake you up. You open your eyes, and after a yawn accompanied by scratching your eyes as you are accustomed to, you look up to the face of the woman that brought you here and has been the main source of knowledge regarding your new context. In a flash, you remember that in the last few hours, you've been living not just in an entirely alien new world, but also one that suits your greatest fantasy to its utmost. A world of giantesses that bring smaller males for both amusement and the need to bear children to keep their kind alive. A people whose technology is advanced enough to pull from beyond space-time beings such as yourself. A situation that makes you very happy indeed, especially since...you had the opportunity to choose which way you want to interact with local females.


"Wake up, young mister. A young girl that suits your requirements has just arrived. And after checking both of your profiles...I believe you will enjoy getting to live together." says the woman in a happy tone: she's never failed to deliver on her job as an intermediary between the tinies and their would-be "owners", always ensuring that the small males get to interact with females that suit their personal preferences regarding treatment while getting the customers to receive the right tiny capable of fulfilling what they dream of.

"I see...let me... stretch a little...this place is very comfortable indeed. It has been a long while since I sleep like a log. How nice." you comment while smiling. The combination of a nice soft enough bed and a temperate environment made sleeping quite an enjoyable experience; back in the small apartment you were renting back on Earth you never managed to get such a resting slumber.

"Glad to know that. Now, come here; I believe the customer is anxious to meet you; she's quite overflowing with energy I might say, hehe" she says, while raising up to her chest level as to making carrying your tiny form that tiny bit more comfortable and safe for the both of you.


"Well, as long as she can hold herself if needed, I've no trouble with that; let's go!" you reply, excited to meet the giantess, while deep within you wish that this succeeds on the first try. If Isabella read such internal wish, she didn't comment on it.


She walks across the same corridor, passing right in front of her office, something you managed to notice due to learning that right above all doors, there lay panels that name whatever room is beyond their gates; an easy and simple measure, perhaps with a multiversal appeal. At the same time, you take the minutes of being seated as Isabella carries you to take glancing looks at everything you might see and find interesting, ranging from panels with colored buttons to groups of workers chatting with one another, likely due to being in a break of whatever job they do. It was during this time that a question that you originally failed to ask before right when you had your first chat pops in your mind; and once it appears, you can't help but voice it. You look directly up to your carrier's face, asking her:

"Hey, I forgot to ask this before but, what exactly happened to me when you brought me here? Did you actually pulled me from my house and left it without its occupant, or something a bit more...complex than that?"

Isabella looks down to you, and in a calm tone, she replies:

"Oh yeah, no problem! At first, your worries would be correct, in the fact that our earlier machines did actually pulled other beings entirely; the earliest ones could barely open a "portal" so we had to actually grab the back then unknown target with our own hands. Now, the process is a bit more complex, as in we create a duplicate here in our universe, before we connect your mind through it; some of the more spiritual people could call that we transfer your "soul" to a new body. However, that connection is NOT in real-time, and in the most unfortunate case of yourself not finding a suitable "owner" and therefore would want yourself to return home, you would wake up right where and when you were before the transfer as if you had been living in a most realistic dream. Is important to mention that all of your memories regarding this whole ordeal would be purged, for several reasons."


Ok, so, in simple terms; they didn't as much pull you here entirely, but rather transferred whatever you're beyond flesh and mind, your "soul", into a body here, and if you ever return home, it would be as if you had been having a forgotten dream, with no major consequences beyond losing all the memories you might have developed here. You smile, and comment, with a calm tone:

"Glad to know that, but...that makes me wonder what will happen once I inevitably die here..."


That last part of your commentary makes Isabella visibly uncomfortable, and you don't think is just because of her position, as she nervously laughs while saying:

"I-I'm glad to know that you have such peace of mind regarding that, hehe...please, can we chat about something else, like, I don't know, how happy you're to be able to choose your giantess, right?"

"Oh, I apologize, wasn't aware of the impact such doubts might have. Don't worry, I'm more than happy to ponder on such a matter on a later date." you reply in a more cheerful tone, in order to get her to return to her more happy behavior.

It has the desired effect, as Isabella smiles back, and in a grateful tone, she speaks, saying:

"You're so considerate with me, young mister. Perhaps I...oh, never mind, we have just arrived at the meeting room! Ready to chat with your giantess?"

"Ready as I could ever be. Forwards!" you reply, while theatrically moving your right arm forward, as if you had a saber in hand. This simple act makes Isabella giggle, finding the action very cute from her perspective, right before she pushes the door and crosses it.


The room is quite different yet similar that all those you've been inside off: all the walls share the same withe marble color, yet this one has wide windows that allow natural sunlight to enter; you notice that as you look beyond, Hiperboria is quite similar to Earth, as in having green flora, and a singular yellow star. For obvious reasons, you can only look at it directly for a second before your body forces you to take your sight away. And it was at that moment that you notice that in the center of the room, which houses several smooth leather-like black-colored couches sits a young girl, which has a physical appearance that is likely to be equivalent to 17. She has long golden blonde hair that reaches to her shoulder and ends in a pretty ponytail tilted to her left, blue eyes, and a fairly slim frame, with broad hips, large breasts, and a round big ass. She's currently wearing a short blue shirt that leaves her belly exposed, a short blue skirt, and gorgeous long white boots.

The moment she notices Isabella entering, she rises up from her seat, rushing to get close to the woman with a large excited grin, while cheerfully exclaiming:

"Is that him? Is that my would-be tiny partner?"

"Most certainly. Young Mister, meet Abigail, a young customer that I'm sure you will be happy to stay with."

"Indeed! Such a cutie as yourself deserves the best! Oh, of course, that includes having personal space. Sorry!" Abigail exclaims, as she gently pokes at your tiny frame while smiling before suddenly retracting her finger once she realizes she overstepped your boundaries of personal space. She then leans low while apologizing.


The poking was unexpected sure, but not a major issue. You smile and speak to the girl, saying:

"Don't worry! It was fine. Glad to know that my giantess is willing and able to hold herself back if needed and asked for. Still, I'm more than happy to have met such an affectionate girl to stay here with! I love hugs especially!"

The girl raises her head, her eyes beaming once more with excitement after briefly turning down. She opens her mouth wide open, before making a cute squeal of happiness as she says:

"Really? Yes, you're perfect! Come here!"


One of her hands reaches to you, snatching you from the palm of your carrier before starting to rub you against her right cheek while making happy hums. A few seconds later, you manage to turn your head to your side, looking back to Isabella. Then, you smile at her, while saying:

"Well, you were not exaggerating when you told me she's overflowing with energy. But I like her! I can feel we'll get along very well!"

"Hehe, I'm sure of it. You look like a cute couple already!" She replies to you in a happy tone, before she coughs slightly right before changing to a more neutral one, as she speaks to her customer:

"Sorry to interrupt this most wholesome moment, but miss Abigail...we still have one more thing to do before you can return to your home alongside your tiny partner; don't worry, it will take only a few minutes at most."

"Oh, yeah, the sighing of the contract...sorry, I forgot about that key part the moment I got him. He's so cuteee!" The girl replies before giving you a bit more intensive rub right before pulling you back. She then seats back on the couch, while leaving you on top of a small crystal table right in the middle on the couches. Isabella then seats right in front of her customer. 

Once she's done, she touches a small button located on the table, which provokes the gradual rise of a folder with several papers alongside pens adequate to the size of each of the participants, all of this happening in a similar manner to a 3D printer. Once it was ready, Isabella reaches out and opened the folder, allowing both you and Abigail to be able to read the content inside: it was in essence a contract as Abigail spoke off, detailing all the conditions that affected all three parties: the monetary benefits for the company, and the sort of behavior and "role" both you and the girl would fill for one another. It explicitly stated that s Abigail wanted to develop a relationship of equals instead of wanting to make a pet or slave out of you, a proposal that matched your own.

There were other more minute details, but after you asked Isabella if you could have a suitable copy for reading in a later time and being granted it, you decide to go to the key part: to sign the contract. 

In a paper suited for your size, you put both your name and signature, while watching as Abigail does the same. She then shakes hand with Isabella, who says:

"Glad to make business with you, Miss Abigail. We hope you get to enjoy our service, and we can't wait for you to come to pay the full price for your companion. Farewell until then!"

"Farewell until then!" the girl replies, making a small bow of respect.

Isabella replies the gesture, before she stands up and turns back to where she came. Right before closing the door, she waves you goodbye and winks at you; you think you managed to understand her lips saying "good luck!"


Once you were alone, Abigail turned her focus to you once again, and after grabbing you once more, she speaks to you, while grinning:

"Now, let's go, Paul! Time for us to start our life together, and hopefully from now on!"

"I wish the same, Abigail." you reply, smiling as well.

She then rubs you against her cheek one more time, before she carefully carries you in her firm yet gentle grasp, as she opens the entrance door, where a vehicle is waiting to carry her to wherever she lives.

As you feel the currents of this alien yet practically earth-like world for the first time, you can't feel but utmost bliss: this is it, you're going to experience your fantasy, and for real!

May 4, 2023
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