Addison, the pretty redhead with a very special secret (Futa)

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You're waken up by a gentle touch, as Isabella gently prods your tiny frame. You yawn a bit, before scratching your eyes, and focusing on the beautiful face of the giantess, the same one who introduced you to your current situation, and as for right now, the only local you're interacting with. You smile to her, following by asking her:

"That was a nice nap, I appreciate so. So, this means that you found a suitable candidate?"

"Indeed, young mister. I've checked her profile, and considering your request and personal preferences, I believe that you two will get to become a lovely couple in no time!" Isabella replies, in a cheerful tone.

You just nod in approval, happy to know about that, and feeling that her words are honest and worthy of trust.


The giantess raises one of her hands, allowing you to climb into her open palm. Once you're in a comfortable position, she starts to walk towards her destination, one of the many rooms where customers and tinies are introduced to one another, before departing to the aforementioned mandatory trial period before the definitive purchase.

The walk is silent, as you take the opportunity to take a fuller view of your current situation and location, with the many labeled doors, employees, and terminals each drawing your intrigued attention one after the other. This constant shift of focus makes time pass rather quickly (from your perspective) before your carrier stops right in front of a peculiar door: this one is located further in the same corridor as Isabella's office, so that explains the overall familiarity of the entire place to you.


Isabella pushes the door open into a rather open room, where your main focus is set upon the individual sitting on one of the leather couches in the middle of the room, with several of them surrounding a low glass table.

The giantess is slim, with a moderate-sized chest and ass, beautiful emerald eyes behind a pair of glasses, and scarlet-red hair. She's currently wearing a smooth brown wool shirt, with a nice skirt right above pantyhose that covers the entirety of her legs. This in combination with having a book in hand gives her a rather nerdy look, but she's still sexy regardless of that. 

The girl, who seems to be around in her late teens or early twenties, shifts her head towards you both the moment Isabella opens the door. She fixes her glass a bit whilst leaving her book on the table, as she stands up to greet the newcomers.

She walks calmly, stopping a close distance from Isabella. She then looks down into her open hand, finding you there. She speaks, in a rather nervous tone:

"Is this...the male you consider compatible...with my requirements, Miss Isabella?"

"Indeed, Miss Addison, I do believe that this young man over here is just the one you're looking for. Paul, meet Addison, the girl you're ideally going to live with from now on." your carrier replies, before introducing you to the young giantess.


You look up at the girl's face, stretching your arm as to shake hers. You speak:

"Yeah, that would indeed be me. I'm Paul, nice to meet you Addison: I hope that we get to enjoy our mutual company together from now on"

Addison smiles meekly, as she replies to your gesture by shaking your entire hand with a singular finger. She speaks in a low tone:

"Yeah, I hope that too..."

There is something to the way she speaks as if she's unsure (even afraid) of something...whatever the reason is, your gut tells you will soon find out.


Isabella coughs, managing to grab the attention of both of you. She speaks, saying that it is time for the signing of the documents, required for the procedure to purchase to be developed, and for the entire trial period to officially begin.

You both nod and as the giantess walks towards the couches, Addison asks for your permission to be carried by her. You, of course, accept, therefore finding yourself in the palm of your new partner.

Each lady sits directly opposite to the other, while Addison temporarily leaves you on the table, for you to able to sign your part of the documents. 

Once all the participants are comfortable and in position, Isabella touches a special translucent button on the table, which provokes a wondrous sight: a stash of papers starts to rise from the glass as if printed out of nowhere. It seems that the local technology, among other things, allows them to 3D print stuff through means far more compact and advanced than back on Earth.

Both you and your soon-to-be "owner" have this stash of contract papers, with adequate size pens in reach. You take a quick read of the documents, before sighing in the correct spot. Once this is done, you ask Isabella if it's possible for her to give you a copy of the documents, for you would like to take a more comprehensive read to them. She replies positively to your request, quickly delivering you a recently printed folder where the copies are neatly organized for ease of reading. It's like holding a thin book.


Addison asks for the same on her part once she's done sighing: she says she wants to know more about the details of the contract, just in case. Isabella approves of her cautious approach, before giving her a folder of the appropriate size. 

And just like that, you and the redhead are ready, and as she politely bows down to Isabella and grabs her book, she extends her free hand to you. You climb aboard and say goodbye to Isabella, a gesture she replies in kind. 

Following this, Addison walks towards another door, which leads to outside the building, where a long line of hovering vehicles with the company logo posted on their side are constantly ready to either deliver or carry customers across the city and beyond. In the brief walk between leaving the building and entering a vehicle, you managed to get a brief glimpse of Hyperborea: it's very similar to Earth, with beautiful green plains and a singular yellow star shining above.


Once Addison is inside the vehicle, she speaks a series of words, which you assume is her address, before a robotic voice replies in approval. Then, she closes the door, and you feel rising through the air before the "car" stabilizes in a preset altitude.

Meanwhile, your new caretaker makes herself comfortable, leaving the folder and books on a side, while allowing you to sit on one of her thighs. She asks, slightly nervous:

"Is this...a nice spot? If you want, I can leave somewhere else but...I read that it is rather customary for us to carry our males on top of our legs...not to mention, I find it...somewhat nice, just to feel you there, in contact with my body..."

"Indeed, it is nice; both warm and rather soft, I like it. Especially if you like to feel me here," you reply

"I'm glad...well, if you're curious about the landscape outside, feel free to ask rather easy to just gently grab you and rise you to the're light as a feather to me after all," she says a bit more happily, while gently starting to pat your head.

You enjoy her caresses, before nodding in approval: it's good to know that if your curiosity is pinched, you can count on her help to get a view outside. 

But right now, you are more curious to get to know more about Addison, the local giantess you're paired with.

February 15
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