A key secret about Addison is revealed during the journey

"So, Paul...right? I read on your dossier that you're looking for a relationship as equals, which is what am looking for as well...yet, that's still a rather broad term...would you mind...telling me...what exactly...you're looking for...to happen between us?" Addison asks you, in a nervous tone and stuttering a bit.

"No problem, I would love to tell you. In a few words, I'm looking for a giant girlfriend, and I hope you're willing to give me a chance to be your tiny boyfriend," you reply, in a happy tone, whilst gently caressing her thigh, attempting to calm her sudden nervousness.


The girl makes a sudden surprise hick while blushing red. She then asks:

"Really?... I didn't... misheard? You're looking for me...to be your...girlfriend?"

"Yeah, you heard correctly? Although, since we have just met, I can understand you could be not into it, yet. I've no issue, these things normally take their time." you reply.

Addison quickly shakes her head from side to side, before speaking again, in a more determined tone... with a sharp shift into doubt at the end; she said:

"No, no...that's no issue! I would love for you to be my boyfriend, which is what I was looking to get when I contacted the company's services!... yet, I think, there is a big issue that we would face...and I fear is the one thing that might drive you away..."

"Really? What is it? If it is something that is deal-breaking, I think that the sooner we deal with it, the sooner we either resolve it...or unfortunately in the worst-case scenario, the sooner you can return me to the company, thus freeing you to search for another guy that can make you happy, Addison." you ask, in a calm tone. Whatever issue she's referring to, you can guess it is the one thing that explains her entire behavior until now. And honestly, even if it comes at the risk of you failing at your first attempt at getting a giant girlfriend, she's pretty, and you would be happy for her to get a partner as she desires.


Addison blushes again, and this time turns to the window as to hide her red face. An awkward silence follows before she turns again to face you, having calmed herself a bit more. She bites her lower lip as she looks eyes at you while frowning her forehead: these gestures plus others tell you that she's struggling to decide about something. Eventually, she signs, and at the same time she starts to pat your head gently, she speaks:

"You seem like a lovely guy, so I would love for us...to become a thing. And...You’re right: this issue is one better solved sooner than later. Ok then, before going further...are you aware of the concept of 'futanari'?"

"Yes, yes I am. Is the concept of "dickgirls", right? Of women who have dicks besides or instead of pussies?" you quickly reply.

"That's correct...I am not sure what the deal with such females was in your original world, but here, futas are a real thing: a small proportion to be sure, but a natural one at that. Of the females who are born with this condition, they a either 'I' or 'B' futas, with the classification being rather direct: the former are the more common ones, having dicks instead of pussies, while the latter is the kind to have both genitals. In either case, futas are still classified as female, since they share all the phenotypes of females, with the unique case of you know, their special lower genitalia." Addison explains in a rather academic fashion, which suits her nicely.

"That's interesting to know, but why is this relevant...?....ohh...I think I see where this is going..." you speak, at first a bit confused as to why all this was a topic to be had...until you figured out the likely relevance.


Your giantess chuckles nervously, before she speaks again, saying:

"Yeah, you figure it out...yes, I am...a futa...and an 'I' type at that...I wouldn't be near as fearful of that fact...grossing you out if I had been a 'B' instead...that way, you could still get...into my pussy, having more or less normal sex with your giantess...but that's not something I can provide to you, Paul...I'm sorry..." 


She then looks down into her body, with a sad look. Her voice, her dark eyes, the way she spoke of her...condition...it bears all the hallmarks of her being ashamed of herself, simply due to her being born with a very special thing...

Yet, no matter what her condition is, it is not healthy at all to feel such a thing; is not like it makes her a monster or less than a person, that's what you believe.


You immediately stand up and climb up her torso. Your actions, sudden as they are, get Addison's attention quickly, with her grabbing you gently as she asks flustered:

"What are you...?”

"Nothing, just trying to get into that lovely face of yours, missy," you reply in a teasing, grinning. You hope it makes the whole atmosphere lighter.

The girl blushes again, but after a few seconds, she gets you into her face. 

Once at your destination, you start to caress her left cheek, politely asking her:

"There, there...are you liking it, you know, the caresses of my tiny hands? I can understand if you could not feel them since, you know, they're so small in comparison to just one of your fingers."

"Don't worry, Paul...I can feel them...and yes, I like it: they feel nice, gentle...and soothing...can you continue for a while?" she replies, smiling a bit

"Sure, I'm more than happy to do it," you reply, smiling excitedly. It seems your quickly devised plan is working.


This goes on for a few minutes, as you gently caress the girl's cheek the best you can. You can feel she is calming and feeling better, as her respiration turns steadier and her eyes look brighter. Once you consider that she's recovered enough, you speak, telling her:

"Addison...I'm going, to be honest with you, I never even consider the possibility of interacting with a real futanari: back home your 'kind" are either complete fiction, a product of surgical operation, or a very special case, with the latter sharing more than just the dick element of male physiology. Regardless of that, you are a nice girl, not to mention very pretty. The fact that you have a dick doesn't make you any less of a person, no matter what yourself or worse, others might think or say."

"A Pretty girl, me? Even with...a dick instead of pussy?" ask Addison, in a tone mixing both flustered as well as disbelief.

"Yes, you're a pretty girl, even with the dick. Again, I'm being fully honest here, I, unfortunately, cannot ensure how exactly I will react once I get fully exposed during our first time...but what I can promise you is this: I will try my best, and I want to make this work, for both of us. Is this something you're willing to try?" you reply, in a calm tone. 


Your direct and sincere words make the giantess smile, and in a hopeful tone, she says:

"Yeah, I would love to try. Thanks, Paul." 

"You're welcome" you reply.


A few minutes pass, as you keep caressing Addison's cheek, for then a peculiar idea pops into your head. You think about it a bit before you decide to ask your new would-be partner about it. You ask:

"Hey, Addison, I have an idea: as a way to have a first interaction (and to potentially gauge my ultimate reaction)...would you mind if it went down to your crotch area, and get in contact...down there?"

"What? Are you asking to get into my panties?" she replies, surprised, yet at the same time, a bit amused.

"No, not there...yet. I was asking if you would mind getting under your skirt, and into contact with your panties, in that area...of course, if you don't mind." you clarify.

"Oh...well, in either case, I wouldn't mind, I also believe is a good idea. Come here, let me guide you properly." Addison speaks, before gently grabbing you and moving you down into her legs. She spreads them open while raising her skirt a little.

This was, you're able to get a better-lit view of her bulge in her crotch area.


It's as you would expect, a pair of cock and balls, just inside feminine underwear.

You walk a bit closer, before pressing yourself to it. Addison makes a small surprise squeal, before she signs, and speaks:

"So, this is your idea of getting...to know your girlfriend's special area, right?"

"Indeed. Is rather warm, and...smells nice. Is more similar to what I expected to have my face pressed against the cunt of a girl or a woman, right before I start to give them a nice cunnilingus...a shame that we can't do it here, don't know how long we have before arriving at your place." you reply, raising your head and voice a bit to ensure she can hear you clearly through all the distance and fabrics in between. 


Addison chuckles for the first time since you first started interacting. Following this, she speaks, saying:

"Well, true: we are very near my place, so we couldn't try it right now...still, for me, to just feel your tiny frame plastered against my crotch feels nice; can you remain there for the rest of the journey?"

"Sure! If it makes you happy, I'm more than willing to remain here...right in close contact with my would-be girlfriend's private area," you reply, before pressing your head back again Addison's currently flaccid cock.

She chuckles again, extremely happy to have such an eager guy with her...she can't help but hope...that this is but the beginning of your relationship, together.

February 17
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