One look at his grim face made it clear how serious he was, and that there would be consequences if you refused his proposal. Although the concept of being punished by the attractive man was tempting, you're equally as intimidated as you are horny, so you eagerly agree to his terms.


After agreeing, Rogue's eyes glow the familiar red and you feel a shift in your being, as if a rope had been tied around your soul, attaching itself to him.


"Good, I do hope you keep your promise."


The feeling was strange at first, but you very quickly settled into it, and it became unnoticeable. You thought it may be a good idea to question him about it, but as quickly as the thought entered your head it left, and was replaced by a comfortable ease that settled in your stomach and calmed you.


"It appears as if you are getting tired, like I said before you can stay here for now. Would you like some warm milk before bed?"


Warm milk... that sounds nice. You follow the shirtless man to the kitchen and rest on the countertop as he starts a small fire in the stove and grabs a bottle of cows milk from the ice box. Night has fallen and Rogue lights some candles to keep the room illuminated. You watch as he pulls some sugar cane and dried clove from a cabinet, infusing the milk with the sweet and aromatic flavors. The candles provide a warm glow that illuminate his sharp features in a very flattering manner. Staring at him makes you start thinking about the events of the day, and what a blessing it had been that Rogue had saved you from the goliath. If he hadn't it was almost certain your life wouldn't be nearly as comfortable as it was now. 


You decide to break the silence.


"Rogue... thank you, for saving me, and- I'm sorry for following you."


"Of course, it's my duty to protect those who can not protect themselves, and I can't claim the credit for saving you. All I did was charm you so you could find your way to safety, you saved yourself."


"Right... I don't think I would've made it out of there without you though. It's very possible I owe you my life."


"Oh please, don't go dedicating your life to me after such a simple thing; if anything it's a blessing for me to have met such a cute fairy."


The words pierce through your brain. No one had ever called you cute before, certainly not someone this... attractive. You became flustered at the thought almost instantly, he thought you were cute. It made you feel something strange, something new, and you weren't quite sure what it was, but you liked it. At this point Rogue had turned back around to grab something, but you could've sworn you saw a hint of blush forming on the back of his pointy ears. It's quite exciting to think that perhaps he could be blushing because of you, but you shove the thought out of your head, not letting yourself believe such foolish thoughts. You'd had a long day, and not only were you unable to think about how he called you cute, you struggled to think of anything at all. Your eyes started drooping and eventually you found yourself laying down on the cold countertop and drifting off, using your hands as pillows and your wings had wrapped around you like a blanket.


The milk didn't take long to warm, but Rogue enjoyed every second of it. That fairy, despite his transgressions, was a delicate creature, that obviously hadn't had any ill intentions. When he saw it in the woods, he feared he wouldn't be able to. Fighting against goliath's is not only ill advised, but also dumb; had it gotten it's hands on him, Rogue would have had no choice but to turn the other way, and accept that he had lost another innocent creature to an untimely demise. He would never admit it, but being able to save the fairy today made him feel very proud of himself, and gave him quite the confidence boost; seeing that the fairy had followed him home had made him overjoyed. Of course the manner in which he had found him wasn't ideal, but the thought that something so pure couldn't resist the urge to get a glimpse of him made him feel incredible; it made him feel desired.


Rogue finished warming the milk and looked down at the fairy on his countertop, who was now asleep, having wrapped himself in his own wings. Although he regretted that he wouldn't be able to see the fairy's reaction to the treat he had made for him, he couldn't help but be delighted by how sweet the little guy looked while he slept, and the milk could always be rebottled and enjoyed later on. He spent some time simply looking at him, watching as his tiny torso rose and fell with his breaths, but eventually it would be time for Rogue to go to bed as well. 


Rogue finished his night time routine, swapping his pants for silk shorts that he wore as pajamas and blowing out all the candles around the house. Truth be told he didn't have any idea where this fairy was going to sleep, but he was sure he could work something out. 

September 2
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