You find yourself fleeing an Orc camp. Orcs are known for being brutish creatures with a penchant for kidnapping others for their own purposes. Fairies in particular are a target for their kidnapping, since Orcs are able to "milk" them for their magic and use their magic for themselves. They're not particularly known for being kind to their victims, and although their victims provide them with many benefits, the kindness is not returned. It's not uncommon to see a drained fairy tied around the neck of an Orc, providing them with their magic whenever they need; all it takes is a couple strokes of their cock and they have an endless supply of magic. In the brief time you found yourself in the orc village you saw other fairies being used as sweat rags, pit cleaners, and even insoles, which is why you needed to get out.


After a brief encounter with a particularly cruel Orc who managed to capture you with a net, you were able to find a window of opportunity to escape when he left the room and accidentally knocked over the jar you were in, when you made a run for it and never looked back.


As you zip through the forest you come across a fork in the road. Neither path looks particularly appealing, with a severe storm happening to the left, and a dark creepy looking path happening to the right. You take a moment to consider your options.

August 27
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