After giving you his name, Rogue turns back around, and starts to walk away. You were honestly quite enchanted by the man, his dark and mysterious nature grasping a tight hold on your attention. You had to learn more about him.


Luckily your small size and ability to fly made it incredibly easy for you to tail someone without being noticed. You soar high into the sky making sure you're far enough away you won't be spotted, but close enough to get a good look. You didn't notice before but Rogue was... incredibly well shaped. Sure he was tall and toned, but it seems like he had taken the time to workout the muscles that would help enhance his figure, not just his performance. As he walked, his chest and behind were quite distracting to anyone who caught a glimpse. When in the dark of the forest, he was a mysterious figure, a creature of the night, but in broad daylight it was hard to see him in that light. He towered over those in the kingdom and seemed more like a protector, a shield for those around him who can not protect themselves.


The kingdom's population was mostly humans and half humans, meaning the only ones who matched him in height were fellow elves or half-orcs, but they were quite rare. Most half-orcs end up staying in their villages and most elves preferred a life of solitude, rarely mingling with the kingdom or those around it, but Rogue seemed very well integrated into the kingdom. People waved as he walked by, and he waved back, but his face never broke its solemn expression. What an odd fellow you'd run into.


As Rogue was reaching his destination, it became apparent he was heading towards a cabin on the outskirts of the kingdom, near the forest. You followed him all the way until he went inside. After entering, he began taking off his shirt in silence. You looked through the window to get a peak at him as he did. As he pulled up his shirt, he revealed his incredibly defined abs. That was enough to set you on fire and stare more intensely as he pulled his shirt up higher, getting stuck on his chest momentarily before popping over them, causing them to bounce when the shirt freed itself from his underboob. You could see his defined pits, and his large lats which helped frame them. Most definingly of all though, was the scars. He had many small scars scattering his torso, but noticeably he had one large scar spanning across his entire chest.


You were too busy enjoying the view to notice how his head had turned to the window, and when you had looked back at his handsome face, you managed to make eye contact directly with him. Fuck. Fuckity fuck fuck. Fuckity fuck fuck fuck. You try to fly away but you feel the same compulsion as you did before. His eyes started to glow the familiar red they did in the forest, and you couldn’t help yourself from flying to the door and waiting for him to open it.


Rogue opened the door still shirtless. You half expected him to knock you out of the air, or tell you to leave and not come back, but instead you felt the same familiar grip you did when he had saved you from the Goliath. His warm hand surrounded you; usually you would find this incredibly scary, but something about the man felt safe, he felt comfortable. He brought you inside and gently laid you down on a coffee table, while he took a seat on the sofa in front of it.


“Would you care to tell me why you were watching me change through the window?”


Oh right. That. You stutter over your words while trying to explain yourself. Thinking quickly you tell him part of the truth. You explain how before he found you in the woods you were escaping an orc village, and how you simply had nowhere to return to after he freed you, and how you were so grateful for his help. You didn’t mention how you had admired him on his walk home, and how you were going to watch him change until he was nude and how you oh so desperately wanted to see- anyway.


Rogue listens in silence, taking in your whole story.


“And that explains why you were watching me change how?”


He was right. There was no reason why you wouldn’t have told him you were following him, or why it was necessary to watch him remove his shirt so intensely.


“It’s alright if you wanted to look, but I would hope you wouldn’t go around snooping on the people of this good kingdom and invading their privacy. They are all very dear to me, and I made a promise to help protect them, even if it’s as simple as something like a peeping tom.”


Right. You guess that is what you were doing. It didn’t feel so weird at the time, but now that he was pointing out just how creepy your actions were, you couldn’t help but feel a little ashamed with yourself.


“Listen, I am more than willing to overlook this issue, but I’m afraid I must require you to promise me you won’t ever invade the privacy of the people of this kingdom without their consent again. If you can do that for me, I will let this go, and I will provide you with housing for the time being.”

August 30
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