Narrowly escaping the Goliaths grasp, you're able to make it to the source of the glowing eyes. Considering the darkness, you're not able to make out much more about the figure besides his hypnotic eyes, but you figure it has to be much safer then the Goliath. With a surprising agility and swiftness, the figure grabs you out of the air and leaps through the forest, managing to stay completely silent despite his speed. You don't dare ask a single question.


As the adrenaline washes away, you start to fear where this strange man is taking you, until you see light pouring in from the trees, and realizing you're nearing the end of the forest into an opening, he remains silent the entire time. 


When you reach the end of the forest, his gentle grip releases you. Looking around you find yourself on the edges of a bustling kingdom. You're also finally able to get a good look at the man who helped you escape, it's quite obvious he's an Elf of some kind, with his tall body and sharp ears, but contrary to what you would expect from an elf, he's got a gloomy look to him, and he's obviously battle worn. He turns to leave, but before he goes you ask for his name.

In an uncharacteristically deep, raspy voice for an elf he responds "You can call me Rogue."

August 27
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