"Good morning little one."


You awaken gently to the sultry voice, you feel so comfortable you don't want to open your eyes, but when you do you're startled to find Argentum's giant face staring directly at you. What happened last night? When did you even fall asleep? The last thing you could remember was being presented with the large cup of tea and taking a sip... The tea? Was there something in the tea?

"I can only assume you have many questions, but please, refrain from asking quite yet. We have much to discuss."


He was right, you do have plenty of question. Questions that only increased tenfold when you tried to rub your eyes, and found your arms incapable of movement. When you looked down at your hands, shock overtook you as you realized you were being held down by... a piece of tape?! You struggle and fight against your binds, but it's no use, you try flapping your wings, but even more shockingly, your wings are gone. You scream.


"Oh no darling, there's no need to scream! I see you're struggling and I see you're in pain, but I did this for you. I know it's overwhelming, losing your wings, but it was a necessary evil. It hurt me to clip them off more then it hurt you, that I can promise; I've studied fairies before, and they have no nerve endings in their wings, plus you were fast asleep, the procedure was painless."


He clipped your fucking wings? What on this damned planet gave him the idea that that was okay? At this point you're screaming obscenities at him, but he keeps explaining, not listening to a word you're saying.


"Listen to me little one. I know you're scared, so I'll forgive your foul language, but you must know I did this for you. After hearing about your close encounter with those barbaric orcs, I knew I could never allow something like that to happen to you again, so I took matters into my own hands. You're safe here. You're safe with me. And I never plan to let you go."


This explanation was... insufficient, to say the least, but there wasn't much to be done against this piece of tape. God damn that was humiliating, a piece of tape was all it took to hold you down.


"Now, if you agree to be quiet and cooperative, I can take the tape off of you and show you around your new home, but if you insist on being this vulgar I will have no choice but to use equally as vulgar methods to keep you in place."

August 28
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