Looking for shelter

You decide to brave the path with the storm, looking for some form of safety from the heavy rain. You stumble across a quaint cottage and decide it's probably the best bet you're gonna get until the storm dissipates. Pounding your tiny body against the door to the best of your ability you are shocked to find yourself flying headfirst into a pair of massive pecs.


"Haha! Sorry there little one! I didn't realize I had opened the door so suddenly! How can I help you?"


Scrambling yourself off his hairy chest, you stand face to face with a rather well built Kitsune man. You apologize profusely and explain your current circumstances, and he offers you a place to stay for the night. He explains that he is named Argentum, a mage from the nearby kingdom who prefers to live his life in solitude, studying the magic of the natural world. 


"Well little one, it appears as if it is getting late, and it seems like the rain isn't going to leave us anytime soon... would you like to enjoy a nice cup of tea with me? or would you prefer to take a rest?"

August 27
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