You decide to stay up with Argentum and enjoy a warm cup of tea while you wait for the storm to pass. You watch him with admiration as he moves to the kitchen to prepare the tea. You were more then well acquainted at this point with his beefy, hairy pecs, which were framed rather nicely by the sleeveless low cut vest he had on. His chest bulged nicely against the form fitting vest, with a couple buttons holding on for dear life. 


As he turned around you were greeted with an even nicer view. He wore a pair of dark form fitting trousers tucked into practical boots that reached his calves. These trousers, although in other circumstances would be quite formal, left nearly nothing to the imagination due to the sheer girth of his rear end. His ass was muscular, and large, even for a kitsune, and it was even more of a sight to see in motion, although it was partially obscured by his tails.


"I can sense your vision little one."

You instinctively averted your gaze out of respect, after all this man was housing you for the night, you didn't want to get on his bad side.


"I never said to look away."


As he said this he moved his tails out of the way, giving you a perfect view until he turned back around, tea in hand. He sat down at the table gracefully, but it still shook the table when he sat, and your mind couldn't help but be filled with filthy thoughts. He placed down two teacups at the table, both massively too big for your tiny fairy form.

"I hope you don't mind the amount of tea, I don't expect you to drink all of it, I simply didn't have any other cups."


You assure him it is alright and begin to sip on the tea.

August 27
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