You were about to make your great escape when something utterly disastrous happened. Within seconds your body shrunk from an inch to well under a centimeter in height. The change was not as significant as before, but now your conqueror's filthy soles loomed MUCH higher in the air. Still at the base of her heel you noticed even more cracks and dried patches of dead skin across its area. You pound on the skin and immediately notice that it was no longer just firm but hard as a rock, there was no way this bitch would ever feel you down here. Then your hit with the obvious, now it would be harder for her to see you, your lucky break may yet to be!

As an ad interrupted her news show, Karen uttered some rather racist remarks and glanced back down at her feet. Expecting to see her slave hard at work licking away at the grime coating her soles she was surprised to see that nothing was there. Karen retreated her feet and brought her head down to the table. "WHERE DID YOU GO YOU ANNOYING LITTLE INSECT!?!?!" Karen screeched and walked around the table erratically trying to find her escaped pet.

You had watched as the even more monolithic, ugly face of this woman descended on you, its gaze looking right over you. You saw this as your chance and ducked under her chin to the edge of the table and leaped down into the soft carpet between her titanic feet. In her panic, Karen had stepped on you many times over, yet the soft material of the carpet cushioned the impact, just as long as you were laying down. Growing more desperate to find you, Karen dropped to her knees and began rummaging around the carpet looking for you in between its stalks of fabric. You wheel around back to the Karen's soles now held up by her arched toes and you notice the mountainous form of her foam sandals behind you. You also see a fallen thumb tack just under the bed which would make a deadly weapon against your nemesis. Before she turns around and catches you, you decide to...

May 25
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