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You saw two soccer goals come out of the ground and form on either side of the field. Sakaguchi came up to you with a soccer ball resting in her running blade. "How about a classic game of football?" she asks. "That sound good?"

"Uh, I guess," you say. You resist your patriotic urge to say soccer. "But I don't think I can offer much of a chance against you."

"Come on, I'll go easy on you and these legs aren't good for kicking. In fact, I'll give myself a handicap."

"You mean playing a foot based sport without arms?"

Sakaguchi giggled at your remark. "Well, I'd say that better equips me to play. But no. I was thinking more like this: if you score one goal on me, you win. If I score ten goals on you, I win. Does that sound fair?"

"No, that sounds completely unfair," you complain.

"Oh, you don't think I'm up for that challenge?" Sakaguchi says.

"No, I think you can easily do it. I'm saying it's unfair to ME," you correct. If your female body was anything like your male one, you definitely couldn’t beat Sakaguchi even with such a handicap.

She beams like a little kid at your remark. "Yeah. Probably, probably,” che concedes. “Okay, twenty goals. How does that sound?"

You think about the new condition. Normally such heavy odds would be completely unfair, even between a pro athlete and a newbie. But with you against a cybernetically enhanced Ai, she still had a slight advantage over you. However, anymore would become too ridiculous to entertain or make you seem weak, so you accepted. “Alright, that sounds better. What’ll be at stake?” you ask.

“Oh, nothing at stake. Just a fun game of football where we can get to know each other.”

Well, she’d learn that you’re absolutely atrocious at physical activity, but it was something at least.

The two of you got into the center of the field equal distance from the two goals, you were already sweating beads from anxiety while Ai was already pumped up. She kicked the ball into the air, signaling the game to start once it landed on the ground. Once it did, you could barely see it other than a white blur, as another Ai sized blur snatched it and took it straight to her goal.

“GOOOAAALLL!” she yelled as she did a victory lap around the entire field. She seemed to already be enjoying herself. You however were already predicting the loop

Ai ran back around and got the ball from the goal and brought it back to the center with you. “Sorry about that,” she said. “Thought I’d tire myself a little bit to give you an edge. I’ll slow myself down a bit for the rest of the game though.”

“Thanks,” you sighed, hoping that would be enough.

Unfortunately, it wasn’t. She did slow down enough so that you could see her snatch the ball from you, but that only gave you a better view of her scoring fifteen goals on you. It had already become apparent that you needed to change your approach. Instead of trying to beat her with brawn and speed, you needed to beat her with your brain. So you came up with a plan to attack her weakness.

As she kicked the ball into the air again, you initiated your scheme. “Sakaguchi, you’re the best soccer-er football player in the world,” you yell to her face.

“The world?” Ai said. She hesitated just long enough for the ball to land and bounce between the two of you. You tried to seize your chance, but Ai recomposed herself too quickly to kick the ball into the air. Just jumped up after it and did an aerial kick that launched into her sixteenth goal. She landed on her running blades as you watched in awe of the display. “Silly Shujiko. I’m the best in the entire Federation,” she declared proudly.

As impressed and intimidated as you were by her moves, you saw that even as she brought the ball from her goal, she was still a little flustered by your sudden compliment. If you pressed the offensive just a bit more, you might just have the slimmest chance of scoring on her. As Ai kicks the ball into the air, you dealt your final hand.
March 23
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