A cyborg
· original author:
Eventually, among the other swimmers in the block of water, you see the familiar brunette ponytail go through the water, zipping at insane speed. You were able to confirm who the swimmer was when she jumped out of the water like a dolphin.

It was Sakaguchi, wearing a two piece sport swimsuit containing her large breasts and showing her toned stomach. However as she was suspended in the air, you saw some unusual features about her. For one, she didn't have legs. Instead she had what looked like a mermaid tail made out of metal that was connected to the cut off ends of her thighs. And in place of arms, she seemed to have silvery fins that went down to her waist from her shoulders.

Before you could get a better look, Ai dove back into the water and continued another lap. You watched in awe at the athlete swimming and mindlessly wandered closer to the water, not noticing a yellow warning line that you walked over. You then slip on a puddle and as your body is falling down, you're caught in the gravity suspending the water in the air and start "falling" up into it. You flail for hopelessly for the moment before you splash into the water and fall deep into it. You try to swim out but the weird orientation of the zero-g pool confuses your panicked mind from swimming to any surface, plus you weren't that good of a swimmer in the first place. You try to reach out to the surface but eventually your body loses its energy and your vision starts to fade as you run out of air. Your last thoughts are how you wasted this amazing wish by drowning instantly.

Suddenly, a blurry figure snags you by the collar with her teeth. You are pulled out of the pool and land hard on the floor. Then something presses against your chest three times, making you cough up the water from your lungs. You wake up coughing and see your rescuer: Ai Sakaguchi, who had both of her metal fins pumping on your chest. Before you could even catch your breath, Ai leans over your face and places her lips on yours. She's just blowing air into your lungs, but you can't help but blush, seeing it as an immediately intimate act.

Once she's done, your eyes are wide and your face is red, clearing any doubt of your conscious state. Around you, you hear cheers and clapping from the small crowd that formed around you, all or Ai's rescue of you. However she seems to ignore it and focuses on you. "Hey, are you okay?" she asked.

"Uh...y-ye?" was all you were able to say to the hot girl on top of you.

"Still shaken up, huh?" Ai said. She looked down at your body. You follow her gaze and learn that your school jumpsuit isn't quite waterproof. Normally you'd snuggle to look away from a woman's body clung by a translucent wet garment, but the fact it was your body now just made you embarrassed, even more so in front of Ai. You cover up your chest with your arms and look at Ai who was smiling warmly at you. "Let's get you a change of clothes." She then flops off of your body and turned towards the changing room. "Come on. I got some clothes I can lend you," she said.

You got up and followed the cyborg athlete. The crowd had dissipated by that point, allowing you to follow Ai as she moved herself with her fins, kind of like a seal on land. She eventually led you to the changing room, filled with lockers and benches. She moves to one and pushes herself up with her fins so her eye is level with the lock. You see a soft light scan her retina before clicking and sliding open. She reaches her head inside and pulls out a cyborg arm with her mouth before dropping it on the floor. She then reaches in again and pulls out another cyborg arm identical to the other. You realize that she must be changing prosthetics.

"Uh, do you need help?" you sheepishly offer.

"Nah, I'm good," Ai says confidently. She the takes in and releases a slow breath, with apparently caused her aquatic limbs (fins and tail) to detach, revealing metal sockets where they were. Ai then falls onto the floor on her stomach and grabs the right prosthetic arm with her mouth. She bends her neck to try and align it with the shoulder socket. She managed to align it but connecting it seemed to be more difficult for her. She only seemed a little frustrated before looking up to you, still shivering in your wet uniform. Ai sighed and released the arm from her mouth. "Okay, it'll probably be faster if ya help me."

You immediately perk up, somewhat excited to help her out. She did save your life after all. You kneel down and grab her arm. "So how do I..?" you ask as you align the arm to her shoulder.

"Just press it against my shoulder until you hear a click," Ai explained.

You do so, rotating the arm slightly until you hear said click, and jump back in surprise as the arm suddenly starts moving. Ai uses the arm to push herself up on her butt before testing the arm's movements, flexing every finger and joint. "Thanks. I got it from here." Ai picks up her other arm and attaches it to her other shoulder. After that, she reaches into her locker and pulls out a pair of legs and attaches them both to her shortened thighs. She then jumps up, revealing her true height, towering over you as expected. "Alright, now for what we came fore." Ai reached into her locker and pulled out a jumpsuit, similar to your own but with her name instead of yours.

"Wait, you're giving me your uniform?" you ask.

"Yeah, I don't mind. I don't wear it much anyway, so you can borrow it till ya dry yours." You shiver again, reminded of your wet clothes. "And use this to dry off too," Ai says, handing you a towel.

You blush at everything you've been offered. However that blush was nothing compared to when you started unzipping your jumpsuit, realizing you would be stripping naked in front of her. "A-are you okay with-" you start to ask before you're interrupted by Ai pulling off her swimsuit, exposing her sizable breasts.

"Okay with what?" Ai asked, nonchalantly.

"N-nevermind," you say. You're both girls, so there was nothing to hide, right? You unzip your jumpsuit and take off your wet underwear, leaving you naked as well. As you dry off, you notice Ai staring at you. "uh, is something wrong?" you ask her.

Ai's eyes suddenly dart up to your face. "Uh, no! Sorry," she says before turning away and rubbing her towel over her hair. What was that about? you wonder. You shrug your shoulders and dismiss it, continuing drying yourself off and changing, trying hard not to stare and the buff, cyborg woman right beside you.

You zip up Ai's jumpsuit, realizing it's a few sizes too big, and look back at her as she slips on a white t-shirt and gym shorts. "I'm Ai, by the way. What's your name?" she asks.

"Oh, Shuji... Shujiko!" you correct yourself to using your feminine name.

"Well it's good to meet you," she said. She took the liberty of storing your wet clothes in her gymbag so you wouldn't have to carry it yourself. "What d'you say..."
March 23
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