The track and field
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You make your way to the track and field room. It's quite the long walk, not enough to exhaust you but enough for you to notice. On your way, you see many of the academy's other cute students, all of whom prove difficult distractions on your way to your objective. You settle for having some small talk with a few of them before leaving. While you might not try to pursue them for a while, you do learn some information. For one, instead of a high school setting, the academy is more of a college setting, meaning everyone is at least 18 or older and the school's schedule will actually be more relaxed. Not only that, but some of the girls mention having multiple boyfriends and girlfriends, meaning that polyamorous relationships are completely acceptable and common in the future. If you're lucky, the harem girls might be willing to join you in such a relationship together, which would only make things better and easier for you. You felt your new vagina get warm at the thought of all the girls with you in bed and shoved it out of your head to try and stay focused and not arouse looks from the other students.

After learning that important information, you make it to the massive track and field room. Despite being an enclosed space within the vacuum of space, it is still extremely massive. There's a full set of bleachers surrounding the clay track which surrounds a massive field with markings for baseball, soccer, and some olympic throwing sports you don't remember the name of. You definitely picked the right place to find the school's star athlete. Speaking of which, where is Sakaguchi? You walk out into the field a bit to the edge of the track and scan the area. Eventually you see that Ai is...
March 23
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