Rin takes you up to the roof.
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You continue eating, focused on filling yourself up on the rather tasty rice offered by Rin. Just as you're contemplating how much of the single grain of rice closest to you it would take to fill you up, the entire glob of food you're on lifts up.

As you go, you manage to grip onto the sticky suface of the rice firmly enough to prevent yourself from falling. However, right as you regain your bearings, you're thrown off by a hot, somewhat fishy-smelling wind blowing on you. As you look to see what it is, all that fills your view is the rubbery, partially chapped lips of Rin surrounding a hot pink cave, which is growing closer to you by the second. As you watch her throat open up with a slimy smacking sound you can actually hear at this scale, you freak out and scream for help in this sudden extremely dangerous predicament you find yourself in.

"RIN! What are you doing!? Stop! DON'T EAT ME!!"

She breathes in. The hot hurricane once beating against you is now sucking on you, almost seeming to pull yourself in closer. Even after your first misconception about what Rin wanted to do with your miniscule fate, it's all but confirmed now. Being squashed underfoot wasn't good enough. She wanted to eat you all along, have you all to herself.

As soon as you're sure you're going to be part of this odd girl's lunch, the chopsticks, and you with them, are pulled back.

As she lowers the bit of food to the counter top and lets you get off, her eyes once again squint on your as she begins to move those lips that almost consumed you alive, speaking rather matter-of-factly. "Oops. Sorry, guess I forgot you were there."

"What!? You forgot!?"

"Yeah." Rin lifts the glob of rice you were stuck to and instantly sticks it in her mouth, chewing your former location to a pulp without a second thought. "You're too tiny. It's hard to keep track of you. Big people are easy to keep track of. You're more like an ant."

"I guess you have a point... but I can't help it, and I'm not THAT insignificant! I'm a person, you know, and at LEAST bigger than an ant!" You stamp your foot in frustration. The gigantic face of Rin is unmoved, probably not noticing your gesture.

Rin points her chopsticks at you again. A move that, this time, makes you fall back reflexively. "I should go to the roof. We should. I was supposed to meet someone there today for lunch but this project ran long."

You don't have time for this. You need to get your meds, though it looks like the giant Rin is in charge of your future for now, and she doesn't really seem that interested in your sad situation. You don't know if you can really convince her. However, if her friend's a little more mindful, they might be able to help you better. Might be best to just play along with Rin's capricious decisions for now.
February 17
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